UNODC has asked the VNGOC and NYNGOC to nominate NGO speakers for six side events at CND 2018 (12 – 16 March 2018). (Detailed information see below.)
In addition we are also asking for nominations for our own side event “The role of Civil Society in the implementation of the UNGASS 2016 outcome.”
In order to apply for a speaking slot, please fill out and submit this form ( by Sunday, 4 February 2018, 11:55 p.m. (CET, Vienna local time). Selected candidates will be notified the following week.
N.b. unfortunately no funding is available to support participation in the events. Speakers will have to cover their own expenses.
Please share this with your respective partners and networks to ensure a wide as possible opportunity to engage.
Thank you and looking forward to your applications.
Side Events:
Please note that the dates and times of these events are provisional and might be subject to change.
To apply for a speaking slot fill out the application form by Sunday, February 04, 11.55 pm, CET.
Monday, 12 March 2017 – EVENING
Opening of the Photo Exhibition: Each person counts: Stories of the world drug problem in photographs
The exhibition portrays the complex nature of drug use, treatment and care: it captures the diversity of ways in which people manage their addictions and displays how treatment has affected their present. The photographs were taken by the renowned photographer Nick Danziger in Europe, Africa and Asia visiting sites of the UNODC-WHO Programme on Drug Dependence Treatment and Care Services.
Wednesday, 14 March 2017 – LUNCHTIME
Special Event on: Treatment and Care of People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Supporting Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
UNODC and WHO will launch the Handbook on Treatment and Care of People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Supporting Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment, which will be presented during the special event. The Handbook will highlight available country level experiences along the criminal justice continuum, advocating further for the need for accessible and evidence-based treatment and care services in the community.
Wednesday, 14 March 2017 – LUNCHTIME
VNGOC Side Event on: The role of Civil Society in the implementation of the UNGASS 2016 outcome
The event will provide valuable input on actions and strategies to facilitate meaningful participation of civil society in the lead up to the high-level CND ministerial segment in 2019. The newly updated and improved NGO Marketplace will be presented as an important tool to facilitate NGO reporting on the UNGASS 2016 implementation, and increase the capacity of civil society to showcase their work and opinions.
Thursday, 15 March 2018 – LUNCHTIME
Special Event on PREVENTION: the new Standards, the new materials of the Listen First campaign, the new UNODC programme on families
The event will launch a series of new materials developed by UNODC: the International Standards on Drug Use Prevention (updated jointly by UNODC and WHO), the new materials of the Listen First campaign ( and STRONG FAMILIES, the new UNODC programme on families in low-resources settings.
Thursday, 15 March 2018 – LUNCHTIME
Special Event on: Access to controlled drugs for medical purposes
This event will highlight the results of an expert working group that identified suggestions to create health and regulatory systems that ensure access to controlled drugs for medical purposes, whilst preventing diversion and abuse.
Friday, 16 March 2018 – MORNING
Side event on: NPS, an emerging challenge for drug treatment service providers.
This side event will look into the challenges faced by drug treatment service providers and propose initiatives to strengthen their capacity to understand, identify and manage NPS-related harms.