Call for Nominations for open positions on the Civil Society Task Force on Drugs.
Dear Civil Society Representatives,
As many of you are aware, the Vienna and New York NGO Committees signed a MoU in January 2018 with the purpose of jointly reforming and monitoring the Civil Society Task Force (CSTF).
At the 60th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in March 2017 a working group was formed consisting of members of the former CSTF. The working group decided on the following structure for the CSTF and next steps:
1) The CSTF Steering Committee will stay in place, with two officers from each of the VNGOC and NYNGOC, and three additional members to be added, each with a specific focus on:
- communications,
- liaison with other topical areas and geographical regions (outreach), and
- fundraising.
2) The regional and thematic CSTF ‘seats’ will remain in place. It was agreed to send an initial letter to the previous CSTF members to confirm their interest in continuing to serve on the Task Force.
3) After these Expressions of Interest are received and evaluated, the CSTF Steering Committee will then issue an open call for any vacant regional and thematic spaces on the CSTF, and the three additional members of the CSTF Steering Committee.
We can now confirm that the following ‘seats’ on the CSTF are available for new nominations:
- Affected Populations: People who Use Drugs
- Affected Populations: Youth
- Affected Populations: Alternative Development
- Harm Reduction: Global Voice
- Regional Representative for Oceania
- Regional Representative for Middle East and Northern Africa
- Regional Representative for South-East and East Asia (x2)
- Regional Representative for Sub Saharan Africa (x2)
- Steering Committee position for a communications officer
- Steering Committee position for an officer for liaising with other topical areas and geographical regions (outreach)
- Steering Committee position for a fundraising officer
If you are interested in nominating for one of these open positions on the Task Force, we now ask that you:
- Read through the Terms of Reference
- Complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form
- Return it to us together with a photo and a current CV to Sarah Pirker at, no later than February 25, 2018.
Please also address any questions you may have to Ms. Pirker, and the Steering Committee will respond promptly.
Yours sincerely,
Esbjörn Hornberg
Chair of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Heather Haase
Chair of the New York NGO Committee on Drugs