The Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC) together with the UNODC Civil Society Team invites you to participate in a series of webinars to present and discuss the World Drug Report 2020. The series included webinars in English, French Russian and Spanish.

Each webinar includes a formal presentation of the World Drug Report 2020 by UNODC, a civil society presentation about how they work with the data of the World Drug Report, and an open question and answer session.
Register now to participate in one of the webinars:
- French: 15 July 2020, 3 p.m. CEST (1 p.m. UTC)
- English: 27 July 2020, 3 p.m. CEST (1 p.m. UTC)
- Spanish: 28 July 2020, 4 p.m. CEST (2 p.m. UTC)
- Russian: 29 July 2020, 12 a.m. (noon) CEST (10 a.m. UTC)
Check out the flyers for a list of speakers and a more detailed agenda: