Deadline for Applications: 25 September 2020 at 11:55 p.m. CEST
ATTENTION! There are currently TWO calls for speakers open. One for the CND intersessional on cannabis scheduling (see below) and one for the CND thematic intersessional on 19-21 October (
At its 63rd session in March 2020 the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) decided to further deliberate the WHO scheduling recommendations of cannabis and cannabis-related substances (CND Decision 63/14).
As part of these deliberation the Commission held a series of informal meetings during the summer and will hold a formal intersessional meeting on October 8, 2020. As part of the discussions, five NGOs will be invited to share their positions on the WHO scheduling recommendations on cannabis and cannabis-related substances.
The meeting will likely be held with a mix of virtual and in-person participation at the Vienna International Centre. Although we are waiting for the official agenda to be released, the intersessional will in all likelihood address each of the WHO scheduling recommendations in turn. The WHO scheduling recommendations as well as the compilation of question and answers from last years’ sessions can be found here:
Each speaker will have 2-3 minutes to presenttheir views and work in regards to the WHO scheduling recommendations on cannabis and cannabis-related substances.
Selected speakers will be asked to send in their statements or videos (including transcripts) no later than 05 OCTOBER 2020. Interpretation will not be available during the meeting and all speakers wishing to present in another language than English will need to submit pre-recorded video messages that include English subtitles.
In order to apply for a speaking slot, please fill out the google form by 25 SEPTEMBER 2020 at 11:55 p.m. (CEST, Vienna local time):
The VNGOC will follow the guidelines established by the Civil Society Task Force (CSTF) in 2018:
Selected candidates will be notified as soon as possible but no later than 30 SEPTEMBER 2020.
In light of social distancing requirements as well as restrictions on in-person participation at the time of the meeting, the intersessional meeting will be held as a virtual or blended (virtual and limited in-person participation) meeting. We will keep you updated on any new information on the meeting logistics.
The meeting will be webcast on the CND website:
Please share this opportunity with your respective partners and networks to ensure a wide as possible opportunity to engage.