Tell us what you achieved in 2020!
The UNODC Civil Society Unit is collecting information about the positive impact of the work of NGOs working in the field of drug policy in order to further improve data on how NGOs contribute to the implementation of the Outcome Document of the 2016 UNGASS on the World Drug Problem and the 2019 Ministerial Declaration.
We would appreciate you answering our short survey on the NGO Marketplace. To respond to the four questions you need to log into your NGO Marketplace profile, from which you will see the survey at the top of your screen. The survey will be available until the end of January 2021.
Don’t have a profile on the NGO Marketplace yet? It only takes a couple of minutes to register your organisation and gives you the opportunity to share your work, your projects and your events.
The UNODC Civil Society Unit is offering to share selected impact stories submitted through the survey on the UNODC website and feature them in various reports.