Call for Applications: Expert Consultations on Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System in 2021
Deadline for Applications: 6th June 2021, 23.55 CEST
The Vienna and New York NGO Committees on Drugs (VNGOC & NYNGOC) are looking for four civil society experts with substantive experience on the topic, who can make a meaningful contribution to the identification of key aspects of diversion to healthcare at the various stages of the criminal justice continuum.
About the Expert Consultations
The UNODC-WHO initiative on Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment was launched in line with the Commission on Narcotic Drug’s (CND) resolution 58/5 on “supporting the collaboration of public health and justice authorities in pursuing alternative measures to conviction or punishment for appropriate drug related offences of a minor nature”. The aim is to promote the collaboration of justice and health authorities on alternative measures to conviction punishment for appropriate drug-related offences of a minor nature, especially with a view to people with drug use disorders in contact with the criminal justice system. In this context a handbook has been published in 2019 which has been jointly developed by UNODC PTRS, UNODC’s Justice Section and WHO.
As a follow up, now in 2021, UNODC/PTRS is aiming to develop additional guidance on drug use disorder treatment and care as an alternative to conviction or punishment for people with drug use disorders in contact with the criminal justice system, from the pre-arrest stage to the post-sentencing stage. UNODC/PTRS, with the support of experts (e.g. professionals, scientific experts, civil society, etc.) from all regions, aims to identify principles to support the effective implementation of treatment as an alternative at the various stages of the criminal justice system. Different professional groups/settings at each stage of the criminal justice continuum to be considered will include:
- Measures at pre-arrest stage (e.g., the role of law enforcement etc in deflection, diversion, administrative sanctions etc)
- Measures at pre-trial stage (e.g., caution, conditional bail, conditional dismissal with referral to education or treatment etc)
- Measures at trial/sentencing stage (e.g., postponement of sentence, deferring the execution of the sentence, diversion using specialized courts, probation/judicial supervision through probation officers etc)
- Measures at post-sentencing stage (e.g., early release, parole, pardon with an element of treatment through parole officers etc)
VNGOC & NYNGOC have been asked to nominate one civil society expert for each of the stages above. We are looking for experts with substantive experience on the topic, who can make a meaningful contribution to the identification of key aspects of diversion to healthcare at the various stages of the criminal justice continuum.
Expert consultations will continue throughout 2021 in different formats. Consultations will be conducted in English and interpretation will not be provided. More information on how and when input can be best provided will be shared with the selected experts.
If you wish to be considered for nomination please fill out the the online application form and submit it no later than 6 June 2021, 11.55 p.m. CEST.
Please share this with your respective partners and networks to ensure a wide as possible opportunity to engage.
Thank you and looking forward to your applications.