Learning more about how UNODC collects and analyses data – a webinar for civil society
Vienna (Austria), 15 December 2021 – In a webinar jointly organized with the UNODC Civil Society Unit (UNODC CSU), UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch (UNODC RAB) and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC), experts from UNODC showed the approach and principles governing data production on drug-related issues in UNODC and discussed how non-governmental stakeholders can meaningfully contribute to data collection.
The webinar featured presentations from Chloe Carpentier, Chief, UNODC Drug Research Section, Enrico Bisogno, Chief, UNODC Data Development and Dissemination Section and his team. They showcased how data is collected from member states through the Annual Research Questionnaire (ARQ), and which other data sources UNODC used to validate and enrich data received from member states. For example, UNODC is actively collaborating with WHO and with UNAIDS and the World Bank to produce every year joint estimates on people who inject drugs, and HIV and hepatitis B & C prevalence among PWIDs. Also UNODC is collaborating with WHO to develop a joint data set and estimates on drug related deaths.
Presentations & Materials:
- Presentation on Prevalence of drug use and trafficking flow maps – Diana Camerini, UNODC DDDS
- Presentation on Drugs data collection through the ARQ – Hernan Epstein, UNODC DDDS
- Presentation on Scraping the web to improve drug seizure data – Francesca Massanello, UNODC DDDS
- World Drug Report 2021
- UNODC Data Portal