The full list of eligible candidates for the VNGOC Board Election as well as details on the voting procedures are now available.

The VNGOC nominating committee has examined all applications received to ensure eligibility to serve. 

As directed by the membership, the committee has also reviewed the current make-up of the board and the gaps already existing and created by the upcoming election process. In order to achieve balance, they are recommending the following slate of candidates to be elected by the VNGOC membership

Deputy ChairpersonOrganisationCountry
Matej KoširInstitute for Research and Development “Utrip”Slovenia
Recommended candidate for Deputy Chairperson
Beatrix VasYouthRISEHungary
Recommended candidate for Treasurer
Asia Almas AshrafWorld Federation Against DrugsPakistan
Recommended candidate for Secretary

In addition the following candidates are also eligible for the upcoming elections. Please note that the Nominations Committee’s slate is a recommendation only, and all VNGOC members are free to vote on any eligible candidate they feel would best serve the Board.

Deputy Chairperson
Matej KoširInstitute for Research and Development “Utrip”Slovenia
Augusto NogueiraInternational Federation of NGOs for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse (IFNGO) Macau
Ibrahim ShahzadaNorthern citizen community BoardPakistan
Maria Angélica de Castro ComisCentro de Convivência É de Lei – É de LeiBrazil
Dr Kawal deep Kour
video message
South Asian drugs and Addictions Research CouncilIndia
Seyed Ramin Radfar
video message
Rebirth Charity SocietyIran
All candidates for the position of deputy chairperson.
Beatrix VasYouthRISEHungary
Iulia VatauStudents for Sensible Drug PolicyUK
Michael Anguria
video message
Sana Ullah RathorePakistan Youth OrganizationPakistan
All candidates for the position of treasurer.
Asia Almas AshrafWorld Federation Against DrugsPakistan
Augusto NogueiraInternational Federation of NGOs for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse (IFNGO) Macau
Beatrix VasYouth RISEHungary
Ma Inez FeriaNo Box PhilippinesPhilippines
Michael Anguria
video message
Sana Ullah RathorePakistan Youth OrganizationPakistan
All candidates for the position of secretary.

Statements from the nominees on their rationale for seeking election and the contribution they can offer to the work of the VNGOC are available at the links above.

Due to the continued restrictions on in-person meetings the VNGOC Board has decided that all of the meetings during the 65th CND, including the VNGOC Annual General Assembly and the Informal Dialogues, will be online events this year.

The VNGOC Annual General Assembly will be held in two parts. The first part is scheduled for Thursday, 10th March 2022 at 3pm CET via Zoom, the second part will be held on Thursday, 17th March 2022 at 4.30pm CET also via Zoom.

A separate vote for each of the Board positions will be conducted online between 14th March 2022 and 17th March 12022 in the following order: Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. A simple majority of those voting will be required to elect the Board. 

Only VNGOC member organisations in good standing (i.e., having paid their 2021 and 2022 membership fees or, if exempt, submitted the annual commitment forms) may cast one vote for each of the Board positions. Members in good standing must select one representative to vote for their organisation by emailing the name and email address of the voting representative to before Wednesday, 9th March 2022, 3pm Vienna. The representative will receive a voting key from the platform for each of the three positions.

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