Apply before 18th September for a chance to contribute to the upcoming UNODC Youth Consultation

UNODC is organizing a Youth Consultation on 13 October preceding the 11th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (17-21 October 2022). The Consultation will facilitate a discussion between UNODC and youth actors and youth-led/youth-focused stakeholders with community-based experience on the engagement of these stakeholders in UNODC mandate areas that are relevant to youth. The Consultation will be centered around two parts as follows:

Part 1) UNODC-youth wide engagement: Exploring opportunities through which UNODC and youth can effectively engage with one another. This part will involve UNODC offices working on youth-related topics to engage youth in an exchange of information through presentations and discussions.

Part 2) Youth engagement in preventing and countering organized crime. This part will focus on how youth can engage in UNODC work related to transnational organized crime.

UNODC is inviting interested youth (15-29) or representatives of youth-led and youth-focused organizations to express interest to participate by completing an online form until 18 September 2022. More information including the concept note for the Youth Consultation is available at the following page: 

Please contact the UNODC Civil Society Unit for further information or clarification:

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