The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) invited civil society organisations to share their views on scenarios and possible responses to the rapid expansion of synthetic drug manufacture, trafficking, marketing and consumption

The meeting was held online on 22 May 2024 and was hosted by the INCB in the margins of their 140th session. Eight NGO representatives, selected through an open call in April 2024, had the opportunity to present their views on scenarios and possible responses to the rapid expansion of synthetic drug manufacture, trafficking, marketing and consumption.

INCB President Jallal Toufiq, in his opening remarks, highlighted the the importance of hearing civil society inputs for the topic of focus of the INCB annual report. This was echoed by the chair of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC), Matej Košir who stressed that these civil society hearings, are a great opportunity for NGOs to have a dialogue with the Board, and that the presentations showcase the wide range of activities and opinions among civil society organisations.

The NGO presentations and statements are available below:

  • Luke Niforatos, Smart Appraoches to Marijana (United States): video
  • Veronica Wright, National Coalition for Drug Legalization (United States): presentation, video
  • Saadatu Adamu, Secure the future international initative (Nigeria): presentation
  • Nicholas Boyce, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (Canada): video
  • Marwa Nazi Yehia, Mentor Arabia (Lebanon): presentation, video
  • Mart Kalvet, MTÜ Eesti psühhotroopsete ainete tarvitajate ühing “LUNEST” / NPO Estonian Association of People using psychotropic substances (Estonia): statement, video
  • Zara Snapp, Instituto RIA/ Acción Técnica Social (Mexico): statement, video
  • Oriol Esculies, Association Proyecto Hombre (Spain): presentation
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