Exploring the World Drug Report 2024: Webinar for Civil Society

Review the recording of the webinar and the slides used by Thomas Pietschmann, UNODC Research and Analysis Branch.

Webinar Overview: Insights into the World Drug Report 2024

On July 25, 2024, a webinar organised by the UNODC Civil Society Unit and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs provided an in-depth analysis of the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report. The report reveals the alarming emergence of new synthetic opioids and a record increase in drug supply, exacerbating global drug issues, and highlighting the severe risks posed by these developments. The report also discusses the impact of Afghanistan’s opium ban and the potential effects on the global opiate market.

The webinar, moderated by Matej Košir, featured presentations from experts like Thomas Pietschmann, who emphasised the rising drug use, particularly among young people, and the record-high cocaine production in 2024. Regional issues, such as the increasing drug trafficking in Africa and the inadequate access to pharmaceutical opioids for pain relief for 87% of the world’s population, were also discussed.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) were given a platform to engage directly with the report’s authors. The event underscored the crucial role of CSOs in addressing global drug problems and promoting health and safety.

View the recording and the slides to learn more.

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