Building on developments at the international level – including the March 2019 Ministerial Declaration on strengthening actions for the world drug problem ‘Asia-Pacific Civil Society Common Position on Drugs’ seeks to incorporate the perspectives and guide the work of a wide range of NGOs from across the Asia-Pacific Region. The VNGOC is delighted to be supporting this initiative alongside our Asia-Pacific partners.
Help shape and guide civil society and governmental responses of the coming years by signing the Asia-Pacific Common Position.
The document was first drafted in late 2020 by the Vienna NGO Committee (VNGOC) on Drugs Asia-Pacific Ad-Hoc Working Group whose members sought to build a broad consensus in the region and broaden civil society engagement on drug related matters. Since then the document as been through three rounds of consultation. A first open consultation meeting was held in February 2021 online, to collect feedback on and topics for the Common Position. A draft was then shared with a broad range of Asia-Pacific NGOs and a second online consultation was held in July 2021 and inputs were solicited via email in August 2021. A final draft was circulated among civil society partners across the Asia-Pacific between November and December 2021, with a third online consultation meeting taking place mid-December 2021.
The final version, with sign-ons from across the region, will be formally launched and presented at a side event during the 65th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in March 2022 and will be submitted as a written submission to the Commission.
A wide range of NGOs have signed the Common Positon.
Join them and help to shape and guide drug-policy responses in the coming years.
Read the Asia-Pacific Common Position in your preferred language