The NGO Questionnaire
Choose the NGO Questionnaire language version you want to download.
Complete the hard copy version and then enter your answers on-line using one of the six language versions available on line
The Consultation Questions
At each Regional Consultation participants are asked to discuss and provide their responses to a series of questions. Each group of questions is intended to provide qualitative information related to the three main objectives of “Beyond 2008”. Working papers were commissioned for the objectives. For Objective One, reviewing NGO engagement in implementation of the targets set at the 1998 UNGASS, the NGO Questionnaire is a primary tool. For Objective Two, improved collaborative working between governmental and non-governmental bodies, data from many different UN and international agencies were reviewed and a working paper for the consultations was prepared. For Objective Three, high order principles which should inform and guide future policy and strategy, a background paper on the UN Drug Control Conventions was commissioned. You can download the working papers and Consultation Questions by clicking on this link.
The Conference Room Paper and Statement to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
The Conference Room Paper and Statement were prepared from responses to the NGO Questionnaire and common issues emerging from most, if not all, of the regional consultations. Whilst the Conference Room Paper was largely a review of developments since 1998 from an NGO persepective, the Statement sought to offer some areas for reflection in preparation for the High Level segment of the CND in 2009.
The Conference Room Paper (E/CN.7/2008/CRP.12) can be downloaded here. It is also available on the UNODC website as an official document for the 51st Session of the Commission. The Statement to the Commission can be downloaded here.
Regional Consultation Reports
Australasia | East & Southeast Europe and Central Asia |
European Union and EFTA | Latin America and the Caribbean |
North Africa and the Middle East | North America (St Petersburg, FL) |
North America (Vancouver, BC) | South Asia |
Southeast & East Asia and the Pacific | Sub-Saharan Africa |