The PLEDGE 4 ACTION initiative is an initiative from the the Chair of the 67th CND aims to mobilize concrete, impactful actions along the key challenges outlined in the 2019 Ministerial Declaration including the cross-cutting challenge on data collection. NGO pledges were presented by the VNGOC chair at the opening of the 2024 high-level segment of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Organization | Country | Pledge |
ACEID | Costa Rica | protecting and guaranteen human rights of most affected populations due to the war on drugs. |
African Youths Initiative on Crime Prevention | Nigeria | In reference to the call for pledge and in a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased, we humbly pledge to carryout sensitization and training programme on drug and substance abuse prevention in two states in Nigeria with a target of 200 trainees and we would make the report available as at when due. |
AIVL | Australia | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will work to ensure the community of people who use drugs are leading all responses that affect us. We will advocate to end criminalisation of people who use drugs, incarceration of people who use drugs, and stigma towards people who use drugs. The voice of our community will be at the centre of all of our work. |
Al-Ghad Foundation for Investment in Human | Iraq | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased –NGO ( Al-Ghad Foundation for Investment in Human ) pledges to train many people peer educators on overdose prevention and naloxone administration in Iraq cities across the country by the end of 2024, and to monitor and report on the number of overdose reversals achieved by the trained peers. |
Alcohol and Drug Foundation | Australia | We will continue work to influence the global drug control system, so it more effectively reduces harm, with a shift away from punitive measures and prohibition, to instead prioritize human rights, equality, and non-discrimination as its core principles. We will also focus on greater availability of proven prevention and harm reduction approaches that reduce the demand on treatment services and reduce overall harms. |
Association Proyecto Hombre | Spain | To curve the adverse health consequences of and risks associated with new psychoactive substances have reached alarming levels (Challenge 6), the Global Initiative on Drug Use Prevention "The Declaration of Oviedo" reciently launched in 2024 will be strongly spread, globally and locally, reaching at least 100 Member States aimed at incorporating more effective and evidence-base drug use prevention into drug policies. More than 150 experts have come up with ten concrete proposals to achieve this goal. A civil society, regionally-represented task force is responsible for coordinating and promoting the initiative. Further information: |
Association Sénégalaise pour la Réduction des Risques (ASRDR) | Sénégal | harm reduction among people who use injecting drug in Dakar (Senegal) |
AWTAD Organization for Combating Corruption | Yemen | With the aim of strengthening the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in the face of the challenge of: the growing links between drug trafficking, corruption and other forms of organized crime, including cybercrime and money laundering, the anti-corruption organization AWTAD pledges to: 1- By intensifying the tasks of investigative investigations and community oversight to uncover organized networks of transnational organized crime, whose activity has strongly increased in Yemen during the years of conflict, and to report them to the competent authorities. 2 - Allocating a fund to honor fighters of organized corruption crimes within our annual program to honor the personalities of the year for integrity and anti-corruption in Yemen (ninth edition - 2024) in conjunction with International Anti-Corruption Day |
Balm for the Bruised Foundation | Nigeria | My NGO Pledges To address challenges 4,5, and 6 through teaching students in secondary schools life skills that will lead them through life and reduce drug demands amongst them. |
BARNALY | Bangladesh | My NGO BARNALY Pledges – To reduce the death rate due to drug use, to work for adequate health care for drug users. Besides reducing the rate of HIV infection , working to prevent blood borne diseases through the use of injecting drugs including Hepatitis C virus. As well as working to prevent organized crime through drug trafficking , corruption and processes that are not compatible with the three international drug control convocations or with international human rights obligations , the implementation of joint commitments based solely on principles creates challenges to work. |
Blue Cross Society of Tanzania | Tanzania | Blue Cross Society of Tanzania pledge to prevent alcohol and drug related harm in Mwanza Tanzania to young people in secondary schools and colleges |
Brazilian Network for Harm Reduction and Human Rights (REDUC) | Brazil | Drug policy has important intersections with much of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and with the commitment of UN Member States to leave no one behind. The Brazilian Network for Harm Reduction and Human Rights (REDUC), which has developed actions related to goals 03 (Health and well-being) and goal 10 (Reduction of inequalities), is committed to publicizing and promoting at least 5 meetings regional meetings on the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy in all regions of Brazil. These regional meetings will strengthen discussion groups across the country and contribute to the training of professionals who work with people affected by drug policies. It is essential that professionals who operate drug policies have knowledge so that they can implement the recommended guidelines. |
BRING LIGHT SAVE LIFE | Cameroon | BRING LIGHT SAVE LIFE Association is committed to preventing drug use among young people. Prevention against the cultivation of natural drugs in rural areas. Care and support for people who use drugs in our country |
CADCA | United States of America | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments and addressing the challenge that substance use prevention has been underutilized and under-resourced relative to its ability to reduce population-level rates of substance use disorders and related issues, CADCA pledges to work with governments, non-government organizations, and community groups to prioritize community-based prevention through the community coalition strategy to reduce substance use prevalence rates, keeping them low as a national and local priority and regularly monitoring prevalence figures. CADCA also pledges to collaborate with local and national authorities to empower local communities to develop plans and strategies to mobilize and protect young people and create the conditions for all youth to reach their full potential by directing prevention interventions and policies to enhance systems and environments. To achieve these two pledges, CADCA will train over 8,500 community leaders, volunteers, and sector representatives in 26 countries on CADCA's Model for Community Change to strengthen and develop 370 community coalitions by the end of 2024. |
Centre for Corrections and Human Development | Nigeria | In view of the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying - Centre for Corrections and Human Development pledges to sensitize and educate over 300 youths on outreach programme in slum communities in Lagos where the cooking, sale and purchase of drugs and hard substances are constantly taking place. We shall educate them on dangers and implications of drugs to their health and development and as well conduct brief counselling sessions to identify the individuals abusing drugs and recommend them to treatment centres. Also, in view of the Challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased - Centre for Corrections and Human Development pledges to use our CCHD Residential Rehabilitation Centre duly to start full operation in March as a treatment centre to treat 30 persons in our facility for the year 2024. We shall document and report all activities. |
Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation | Canada | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will continue to conduct research and outreach to support the development of evidence-, health-, and rights-based drug policies at the local, national, and international levels. |
Children and Young People Living for Peace(CYPLP) | Nigeria | Raise awareness that against criminal misuse of information and communications technologies for illicit drug -related activities among young people, youths and women in Nigeria Educate and sensitize people, reduce vulnerability of new entry of young people, youths and women into drug trafficking, corruption and other forms of organized crime, including trafficking in persons, trafficking in firearms, cybercrime and money-laundering and, in some cases, terrorism, including money-laundering in connection with the financing of terrorism in Nigeria and across Africa. |
Citizens Interest | United States | Citizens Interest pledges to advocate for the United States to honor its obligations with the three international drug control conventions, and bringing them into conformity with applicable international human rights obligations. The US is in violation of numerous international agreements and are using their political influence to engage their commitments in bad-faith, focusing impersonal and corporate gains, while disregarding their duties to ensuring access to controlled medications for the treatment of illness and disease. The United States is reducing supply chains beyond acceptable levels and encoding discrimination into public health policy. The NGOs involved in the effort have been strategically chosen to block out citizens concerns about their activities and are acting as a monopoly, rigging markets, places and defrauding of the American public, using a nationally coordinated misinformation and propaganda, as well as personal attacks and smear campaigns on citizens and entities to advocate for citizens rights and freedoms. |
Dalgarno Institute | Australia | The Dalgarno Institute and its Education Coalition of Educators pledges to develop and implement school-based curriculums (including incursion, seminars, mentor and coaching platforms) on resiliency building life skills toward drug use Demand Reduction for students aged 12-19 in 50 schools and/or up to 10,000 students by the end of 2024, and to evaluate its impact on students' knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. |
Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) a project of YOCFAN | Pakistan | Lahore is a provincial capital city, where many homeless Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) use drugs on footpaths, roads, and parks. About 120 locations where homeless (SUDs) use drugs in measurable quantities. However, the majority of places are extremely high-addiction risk zones, where the remains of unknown homeless drug users are frequently discovered dead from drug overdoses, unsanitary living conditions improper nutrition, etc. This is an alarming situation in the city of Lahore about homeless SUDs dead bodies. Our objective and aim is to highlight the issue of homeless Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) dead bodies with evidence-based and collect data from other 36 Districts with current research and study which are conducting on monthly basis in Lahore. And also establish new treatment centres with the help of provincial government and private sectors etc. |
Drug Policy Network South East Europe | Serbia (regional - South East Europe) | DPNSEE pledges to: - continue supporting its member organisations in improving and scaling up drug treatment and health services and preventing deaths related to drug use - continue exploring new active approaches to drug policies based on health and human right |
Empower India | India | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying. Empower India pledges to develop and implement a school-based curriculum on life skills for students, and to evaluate its impact on students' knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. |
Eurazijos žalos mažinimo asociacija/Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) | Lithuania | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will strengthen advocacy in the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) region for access to high-quality, evidence-based, gender-transformative, non-discriminatory harm reduction services in freedom and in closed settings that have proven to be effective and are based on human rights, people’s needs that also consider any new changes in the drug scene. |
European coalition of NGO for just and effective drug policies (ENCOD) | AUSTRIA | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and addressing the challenge that responses not in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations pose a challenge to the implementation of joint commitments based on the principle of common and shared responsibility – NGO ENCOD pledges to campaign for the evaluation, by 2029, of the impact of drug policies, in particular prohibition-based drug laws and including systematic criminal punishment, on the right to privacy (including the collective enjoyment of the right to privacy), right to bodily autonomy, and the freedom to farm and enjoy the benefits of nature, and report on the results to the CND. |
Fields of Green for ALL NPC | South Africa | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that responses not in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations pose a challenge to the implementation of joint commitments based on the principle of common and shared responsibility – NGO Fields of Green for ALL pledges to continue our work around Human Rights, Harm Reduction and Drug Policy Reform by doubling down our efforts to create an intersection between South African laws and policies and all aspects of international law; In line with UN ECOSOC civil society engagement mechanisms and broader social education, we pledge to continue our 13 year programme of Strategic Litigation locally and pair this with efforts to find the resources to continue to participate internationally. Our work is in the interests of reducing the harms of prohibition and the continued stigmatisation of vulnerable local communities. |
Forum Drugs Mediterranean-FAAAT | France / Spain | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that that responses not in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations pose a challenge to the implementation of joint commitments based on the principle of common and shared responsibility, but also that geographical coverage and availability of reliable data on the various aspects on the world drug problem requires improvement – NGO Forum Drugs Mediterranean-FAAAT pledges to raise awareness about, and support discussions at all levels on compliance with article 2 paragraph 9 of the 1961 Single Convention for countries regulating drugs for non-medical purposes (this article is the only legal framework for non-medical purposes in the three conventions, and it contains a provision requiring Member States to report annually to INCB on drugs’ quantities within their non-medical industries, the compliance of which would improve the geographical coverage and availability of reliable data) and to evaluate Member States’ complaince with this article and all applicable international human rights obligations, including those related to farmers’, peasants’, and indigenous peoples rights by 2030. |
Fourth Wave Foundation | India | Fourth Wave Foundation resolves to strengthen effective, comprehensive, scientific, and evidence-based demand reduction initiatives covering prevention, early intervention, treatment, care, recovery, rehabilitation and social reintegration measures with a special focus on children and youth of high-risk communities in accordance with national legislation, initiatives and measures aimed at preventing adverse public health and social consequences of drug abuse. Fourth Wave Foundation works with more than 1,20,000 children every year through drug demand reduction programs. This is achieved through implementing prevention awareness education in schools and organising recreational activities to build skills and resilience of children. Fourth Wave Foundation also commits to strengthening the capacities of stakeholders in the health, education and government sectors, thereby creating a Substance Abuse Free Environment (S.A.F.E.) for children and youth. |
GEMPITA (Red Ribbon Independent Movement) FOUNDATION | Indonesia | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased GEMPITA FOUNDATION pledges to train that synthetic opioids and the non-medical use of prescription drugs pose increasing risks to public health and safety, as well as scientific, legal and regulatory challenges, including with regard to the scheduling of substances; peer educators on overdose prevention and naloxone administration in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and other cities across the country by the end of 2024, and to monitor and report on the number of overdose reversals achieved by the trained peers. Indonesia pledges to establish a state-of-the-art comprehensive drug treatment center, dedicated to providing evidence-based rehabilitation and recovery services for individuals with substance use disorders within the next 12 months. The center will be equipped with inpatient and outpatient facilities, medical and psychological support, and vocational training resources to ensure a holistic approach to treatment. It will have a capacity to serve up to 500 individuals at any given time and will prioritize a client-cantered approach to address the unique needs of each patient. “With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge: that synthetic opioids and the non-medical use of prescription drugs pose increasing risks to public health and safety, as well as scientific, legal and regulatory challenges, including with regard to the scheduling of substances; I pledge for Indonesia to organize a regional meeting on enhancing access and availability of controlled substances within the next 12 months, in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the World Health Organization, the International Narcotics Control Board, and other interested Member States and stakeholders, including within the region. And our team Empower Peers Group to demonstrate accountability, Empower law enforcement and transparency. Our team at GEMPITA FOUNDATION works closely together with coalitions with NGO, Stakeholder, Key Population Network to turn ‘Let Communities Lead’. This seeks to showcase the voices and lived experiences of the representatives of people who use drugs networks from Indonesia on the barriers and challenges faced in regard to community leadership, share results and outcomes of Community-Led responses and discuss recommendations on the ways forward., provide them training and support, and instate time-bound implementation plans. |
GREA | Switzerland | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will be working, together with people using drugs, to develop regulatory public policies that respect human rights, striking the right balance between social freedom and protection. This also involves developing innovative interdisciplinary services to include vulnerable groups in society, without always focusing on drug consumption or punishment. |
Harm Reduction Australia | Australia | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will continue to work collaboratively to ensure reform to current drug policy with the primary aims of ending imprisonment, stigmatisation, discrimination and human rights violations against the people who use or have used drugs in Australia, and we commit to advocating for the implementation of community-led harm reduction activities across the Asia-Pacific region. |
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights | Poland | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will continue advocating for reforms aimed at ending criminalization, policing and punishment for minor drug-related offenses. |
Instituto RIA, AC | Mexico | Work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will change laws that foment corruption, abuse by authorities and criminalization of people who use, cultivate or engage with currently illegal markets. We will advocate for risk and harm reduction interventions, including drug checking; quality, voluntary treatment options; education without stigma; and legal regulation with a social justice emphasis to repair the harms. |
International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care | USA | Improve availability of internationally controlled essential medicines. |
International Drug Policy Consortium | Global | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will continue to document the devastating harms of the war on drugs, bring this evidence and voices of communities and civil society to decision makers, and advocate for a profound reform of the system to protect the health and welfare of humankind, including by considering the responsible legal regulation of all drugs. |
International police organization | serbia | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying NGO International Police Organization , with great experience in public lectures in primary schools ,pledges to develop and implement a school-based curriculum on life skills for students aged 7-16 in minimum 20 schools in Serbia but also in Albania and Montenegro where we have our registered offices and sections by the end of 2024, and to evaluate its impact on students' knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. |
ISSUP the Gambia | The Gambia | My NGO pledges to support all actions, initiatives, and programs of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration and forthwith will popularize the 11 challenges of the declaration within my organization, with partner organizations and the Gambian populace at large. |
Karim Khan Afridi Welfare Foundation | Pakistan | In order to strengthen the fulfillment of global drug policy obligations and tackle the growing and varied landscape of drug markets and substances, the Karim Khan Afridi Welfare Foundation (KKAWF) Pakistan, pledges to implement its Life-Skills Program ‘Hum Saath Hain’ (contextualized locally in collaboration with UNODC). KKAWF will deliver this evidence-based EU-Unplugged Curriculum in 10 schools in Pakistan by the conclusion of 2024. This Program focuses on building life skills for students aged 10-14, helping youth to better identify, understand and manage emotions to steer them away from falling into the trap of drug use and addiction. |
Mainline | Netherlands | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments and in addressing the challenge that health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased, Mainline pledges to step up its capacity strengthening efforts towards community-led and community-based organisations by supporting at least six organisations across three continents in their harm reduction service implementation and advocacy through blended learning paths including our Harm Reduction School ( |
Mega Impact Foundation | Nigeria | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying Mega Impact Foundation pledges to develop and implement an out of school curriculum on life skills to equip 50 Secondary school graduate students aged 14 – 19 years in Delta State Nigeria by the end of 2024, and to evaluate its impact on participants ' knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. |
Narconon Nigeria initiative | Nigeria | Narconon Nigeria initiative pledge to contribute meaningful impact in the Area of drug abuse and crime through effective drug education and prevention programmes. We intend to share our experiences on how to help people with drugs related problems |
No Borders Humanity Organization(NBH) | Iraq | Our NGO pledges to: Establish community-based drug rehabilitation centers in underserved areas of Iraq, addressing the challenge of limited access to treatment facilities outlined in the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. Implement comprehensive harm reduction programs targeting vulnerable populations, including outreach initiatives, needle exchange programs, and education campaigns to mitigate the spread of blood-borne diseases among injecting drug users. Advocate for policy reforms to decriminalize minor drug offenses and redirect resources towards evidence-based prevention, treatment, and harm reduction efforts, aligning with the principles of human rights and public health. Collaborate with local authorities and international organizations to enhance cross-border cooperation and intelligence sharing to combat drug trafficking networks operating in the region, contributing to regional stability and security. Engage in capacity-building initiatives to empower marginalized communities, including women and youth, to actively participate in decision-making processes related to drug policies and programs, promoting inclusivity and social justice. |
OPADEC | Démocratic Republic of CONGO | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased –NGO OPADEC pledges to train 600 peer educators on overdose prevention and naloxone administration in 3 cities across the country by the end of 2024, and to monitor and report on the number of overdose reversals achieved by the trained peers. |
Réseau d'Action Sur lles Armes Légères en Afrique de l'Ouest, section Côte d'Ivoire (RASALAO-CI) | Côte d'Ivoire | En vue d’améliorer la mise en œuvre de tous les engagements politiques internationaux en matière de drogues et de relever le défi selon lequel le traitement de la toxicomanie et les services de santé continuent de ne pas répondre aux besoins et que les décès liés à la consommation de drogues ont augmenté, le RASALAO-CI s’engage à former 270 pairs éducateurs en milieu scolaire sur la prévention des surdoses et administration de naloxone et sur la thématique de la non-violence, notamment la violence armée et le harcèlement, dans 6 villes du pays d'ici la fin de 2025, et surveiller et rendre compte du nombre d'inversions de surdose obtenues et de la réduction des cas de violences armées relevés, avec l’implication des pairs éducateurs formés et installés. En vue d’améliorer la mise en œuvre de tous les engagements politiques internationaux en matière de drogues et de relever le défi de l’expansion et de la diversification de la gamme de drogues et de leurs marchés, le RASALAO-CI s’engage à développer et à mettre en œuvre un programme scolaire dont l’éducation à la paix et à la non-violence doit être fondamentalement transformatrice et doter les apprenants des connaissances, valeurs, attitudes et compétences nécessaires pour devenir des agents de la paix et de la non-violence dans leurs établissements au profit des élèves âgés de 10-21 ans dans 18 établissements scolaires secondaires d'ici fin 2026. |
Rural And Urban Aid For Youth Development Initiatives | Nigeria | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all International Drug Policy Commitments and in addressing the challenges of (1) abuse, illicit cultivation and production and manufacturing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the illicit trafficking in those substances have reached record level and the illicit demand are on the rise on a daily basis especially in Nigeria and West Africa which no doubt giving rise to the issues of terrorism, mindless killings and other Crime. Our organization The Rural And Urban Aid For Youth Development Initiatives pledge to continue partnering the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency and other stakeholders in the noble campaign gin the Implementation of the International Drug Policy aimed at domesticating the documents in line with the National Drug Control Master Plan the Official Policy Document of Federal Government of Nigeria on Drug related matters,as well as engaging in other Drug Demand Reduction activities. This includes public sensitization programs and advocacies visit with the involvement of the Media organizations to reach out to the grassroots and other stakeholders on the dangers inherent as it affects the society. (2)The Drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased . And even the rate of mentally disordered drug dependent person are flooding the streets in Nigeria and are really wreaking havoc in our society. Rural And Urban Aid For Youth Development Initiatives pledges to mobilize the government and other stakeholders in having a befitting rehabilitation center to rehabilitate and reintegrate drug dependent persons. |
Social Transformation Action Defined (STAND) | South Africa | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased – STAND pledges to train and capacitate 150 Department of Health professional staff and Community Healthcare Workers by the end of 2024. With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that responses are not in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations, and pose a challenge to the implementation of joint commitments based on the principle of common and shared responsibility; STAND pledges to increase our Advocacy efforts by engaging our relevant Government stakeholders and participate in at least 10 International, Regional, Cross-Regional, National, Provincial and Local forums, conventions, seminars and symposiums by the end of 2024. |
Subair Kunju Foundation | India | Subair Kunju Foundation's RISA campaign pledges to train 1,000 individuals, including teachers, students, and community volunteers, on substance abuse prevention and awareness via our TOT program for completely free by the end of 2024. |
The Reformed Drug and Substance Abuse Initiative | Nigeria | Pledge for Action by REDSAI "With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenges of harm and supply reduction, human rights, and civil society engagement, REDSAI pledges to embark on the following initiative: REDSAI pledges to establish a comprehensive community-based rehabilitation and reintegration program for drug addicts within the next 18 months. This program will offer evidence-based treatment modalities, including medical detoxification, counseling, vocational training, and ongoing support services to aid in the recovery and reintegration process. Our initiative will prioritize human rights principles, ensuring dignity, respect, and non-discrimination for all participants. Furthermore, REDSAI commits to fostering collaboration with civil society organizations, governmental agencies, and relevant stakeholders to ensure the success and sustainability of this initiative. By engaging in joint efforts, we aim to create a supportive environment that empowers individuals recovering from substance abuse to rebuild their lives and become productive members of society. To support the implementation of this pledge, REDSAI will allocate a portion of its resources and seek additional financial contributions from partners and donors. We estimate a budget of ₦36,780,000.00 (Thirty-Six Million, Seven Hundred and Eighty Thousand Naira Only) over the next three years to establish and operate this vital program. This initiative underscores REDSAI steadfast dedication to addressing the complex challenges of drug addiction and promoting human rights and social inclusion for all individuals affected by substance abuse. Through concrete actions and collaborative endeavors, we are committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of those struggling with addiction and fostering a more inclusive and compassionate society." Thank you. Bello Bolyam Executive Director REDSAI +2348164949924 |
Trios Human Development Foundation | Nigeria | With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying – Trios Foundation through its training Institute pledges to develop and implement a school-based curriculum on life skills for students aged 14 - 21 years in 20 schools in Kwara State and Ogun State by the end of 2024, and to evaluate its impact on students' knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. |
Turkish Green Crescent Society | Republic of Türkiye | • Challenge 1: that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying: With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying, the Turkish Green Crescent Society (TGCS) pledges to reach 10 million students and 3 million adults by the end of 2024 through Green Crescent Addiction Prevention Training Program (TBM), which is a society-based global training program model developed by the TGCS and implemented with the Turkish Ministry of Education, and to evaluate the program’s impact on students’ and adults’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying, TGCS pledges to reach 1,500 youth through Green Crescent Youth Camps and increase their awareness on healthy living practices, by the end of 2024. With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying, TGCS pledges to reinforce the life skills of 210,000 students through Life Skills Training Program, which is a school-based protective and empowering training program and to evaluate the program’s impact on students’ and adults’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, by the end of 2024. • Challenge 4: that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased: With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased, TGCS pledges to increase the in-patient capacity of its Green Crescent Rehabilitation Centers to be able to accept more individuals than its initial capacity. With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased, TGCS pledges to provide counseling services to more than 17,500 people at its Green Crescent Counseling Centers (YEDAM) by the end of 2024. • Challenge 11: that responses not in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations pose a challenge to the implementation of joint commitments based on the principle of common and shared responsibility: With a view to enhancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, and in addressing the challenge that responses not in conformity with the three international drug control conventions and not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations pose a challenge to the implementation of joint commitments based on the principle of common and shared responsibility, TGCS pledges to reach more than 100 youth and provide them the Youth Advocacy Forum, which is a platform to enhance their advocacy skills as well as teach them about the global drug control policies by the end of 2024. |
Washington Office on Latin America | USA | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will collaborate with partner organizations to emphasize the challenge that drug prohibition poses to the right to a healthy environment and to highlight the obstacles that drug prohibition poses to achieving climate justice and effective environmental governance. |
Women and Harm Reduction International Network | Global | WHRIN: We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its centre, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will work with our allies to promote gender responsive harm reduction services and decriminalization to reduce or eliminate the adverse and gendered health, social, and economic consequences of punitive prohibition for women and gender diverse people who use drugs. |
Youth RISE (Resources, Information, Support and Education) | International | We will work to transform the global drug control regime in order to end the current focus on punishment and prohibition and put human rights, equality, and non-discrimination at its center, following the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. In particular, we will continue to work to raise the voices of young people who use drugs and young people affected by punitive drug policies, giving them the platform to lead this urgent discussion and claim their critical role in the design, implementation, and evaluation of all national and international policies and programs; and advocate for policies and programs that eliminate discrimination on the basis of race, gender, class, and age, particularly age-specific drug policies and health and harm reduction services tailored to the needs of young people. Moreover, we commit to continue to expand our network and to provide a platform for youth who have been disproportionately impacted by the counterproductive effects of the war on drugs, particularly young people from the Global South, Indigenous youth, young farmers, young LGBTQIA+ people, and young people experiencing homelessness, whose voices most often go unheard. |