The full list of nominees for the board positions of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Secretary, and Deputy Secretary can be found here and an info graphic explaining the different voting options is also available.
A separate vote for each of the Board positions will be conducted at the 04th March 2020 meeting in the following order: Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. A simple majority of those voting will be required to elect the Board.
Only VNGOC member organizations in good standing (i.e., paid the 2020 membership fee unless exempt or expressed intent to pay the membership fee in person during the Ministerial Segment and the CND63) may cast one vote for each of the Board positions. Members can participate by voting in real-time (i.e., in person, remotely, or by proxy) or in advance (by completing an online ballot).
Vote in real time
The VNGOC Annual General Assembly is scheduled for Wednesday, 4th March 2019 at 4 PM CET at the Vienna International Centre. Room to be confirmed.
Each organization must select one representative to vote for their organization by emailing the name of the voting representative to up to 24 hours in advance of the meeting, specifically by 3rd March 2020 at 4 pm CET.
Members can attend the meeting in person or remotely. For those participating in person, their vote should be registered on the official form that is provided and submitted confidentially to VNGOC staff at the end of the relevant agenda item.
During the General Assembly, when the organization is called on to pick up their ballot, the selected representative must present their badge to the Election Committee in order to receive the ballot. If an organization does not select a representative to pick up the ballot in advance, the Election Committee will have to verify that the person who attempts to collect the ballot represents the voting organization, and the Election Committee cannot guarantee that the organization will be able to vote. Therefore, we strongly encourage each organization to send in the name of the representative that will collect the ballot on behalf of the organization.
For those participating remotely, their vote should be registered through private message to the VNGOC staff hosting the call, at the end of the relevant agenda item. All members interested in participating remotely must email no later than 4 hours before the start of the meeting, specifically by 4th March 2020 at 12 noon CET. Members that expressed interest in participating remotely before this deadline will receive a link by email to connect to the meeting.
In the event that a member is unable to participate in person or remotely at the 4th March 2020 meeting, they may alternatively assign their voting rights to a representative of another member organization in good standing who will be attending in person, and therefore vote in real-time by proxy. Such proxy assignments must be limited in nature (i.e., be specific for certain decisions being taken at the General Assembly rather than open-ended) and submitted to the VNGOC before Tuesday, 3rd March 2020 at 11:59 PM CET using the official form. Requests for proxy assignments received after this period or in any other format will not be counted.
During the vote, the Election Committee will give clear instructions about the order of the vote, which position is being voted on, and how to cast the vote. The Election Committee will call on organizations to pick up their ballot, and their ballots will be in an envelope with the name of the organization and the number of proxy votes marked clearly on the envelope. The Election Committee will clarify the total amount of ballots being handed out, and will give representatives a timeframe within which votes can be cast. Once the Election Committee announces that the voting is closed, no further ballots will be accepted.
Voting for positions will be taken in the order outlined above and voting in real-time will allow members to incorporate vote results into their subsequent votes. If no nominee receives a simple majority of the votes on the first ballot (i.e., in the case of a tie), a second ballot will be taken to decide between the nominees with the most votes. Voting in real-time will allow members to participate in these votes.
Vote in advance
In the event that a member is unable to participate in real-time, votes may be submitted in advance between 24 hours and 1 hour before the start of the meeting, specifically between Tuesday, 3rd March 2020 at 4 PM CET and Wednesday, 4th March 2020 at 3 PM CET. Votes received before or after this period will not be counted.
Members interested in voting electronically in advance should send an email expressing their interest and specifying the email address that should receive the voter key for their organization to no later than Monday, 2nd March 2020 at 11:59 PM CET. Instructions and an individualized voter key will be sent to the email address specified. Votes submitted in advance must complete the online ballot before the voting period has ended, as specified above. Votes submitted in advance in any other format will not be counted. Voting will be anonymous, as votes cast using the online ballot will not be linked to individual organizations. Please note that members voting in advance will not be able to revise their votes based on voting results at the meeting or submit second ballots for Board positions in the case of a tie between nominees with the most votes.
We will compile votes received in advance electronically by the 4th March 2020 deadline and votes cast in real-time (in person, remotely, or by proxy) during the Annual General Assembly meeting on 4th March 2020 and announce the results to the VNGOC membership at the meeting and subsequently by email.