What to expect at CND

Learn more about the commission, how it operates and how to participate as an NGO.

The 67th CND including a high-level segment on the mid-term review of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration will take place 14-22 March 2024. 


The CND is the main UN policy-making body dealing with narcotic drugs.

The CND is the main UN policy-making body dealing with narcotic drugs.

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) was established in 1946 as a functional Commission of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Functional Commissions are provided for under the UN Charter to carry out specific responsibilities assigned to ECOSOC. In addition to CND, there are eight other functional Commissions. 

As a functional Commission, the CND assists ECOSOC in supervising the application of international conventions and agreements dealing with narcotic drugs. It is the principal policy-making body within the UN system on drug control issues. It is also one of the governing bodies of the UNODC and approves their budgets and policies related to drugs.

The CND reports to ECOSOC and advises on all aspects of the control of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. Under the Single Convention (1961) and the Psychotropic Drugs Convention (1971), on the basis of advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the CND can add drugs to, or remove them from, international control under the conventions, or can change the schedule(s) under which they are listed. Under the Illicit Trafficking Convention (1988), on the advice of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the CND can bring under international control chemicals frequently used in the manufacture of illicit drugs.

The CND has 53 members but in practice all Member States are able to participate.

Out of the 193 sovereign states that are members of the UN, there are 53 members of the CND elected by ECOSOC for four-year terms. The allocation of seats is based on regions: 11 from Africa, 11 from Asia, 10 from Latin America and the Caribbean, 6 from Eastern Europe, and 14 from Western Europe and other States. (The final seat alternates between Asia and the Latin America and the Caribbean regions every four years).

Only the 53 Member States may vote, when called upon, but in practice, all Member States are able to participate in the CND whether or not they are members.

The Chair of the 65th CND (2022) is H.E. Mr. Ghislain D’hoop of Belgium.

The Officers of the Commission are the Chairperson, First Vice-Chairperson, Second Vice-Chairperson, Third Vice-Chairperson and the Rapporteur (who prepares the meeting report which is submitted to ECOSOC). Collectively the Officers are referred to as the Bureau of CND. At the end of each session, the CND elects its Bureau for the next session. The Bureau plays an active role in the preparation of the regular and the inter- sessional meetings of the Commission.

The Officers are nominated by the regional groups (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and other States, Latin America and the Caribbean) and each region takes it in turn to hold one of the posts. To assist the Chairperson, there is also an Extended Bureau comprising the CND Bureau, the Chairs of the five regional groups, the Chair of the Group of 77 and China, and the representative of the country holding the Presidency of the European Union.

The Commission meets annually, usually in March, and usually for five days

It also reconvenes at the end of the year to appoint the new Bureau and deal with administrative and budgetary issues. Usually the March meeting is far larger than the December one, with representatives attending from relevant national government ministries. The reconvened session includes a joint meeting with the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), as most of the administrative and budgetary issues are common to both Commissions.

These meetings are open to NGO representatives with ECOSOC consultative status.

As part of the effort to implement all international drug policy commitments, following up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration the CND adopted a multiyear work plan in June 2019. The Commission will hold interactive meetings every September or October in the period up to 2024. The interactive intersessional meetings will aim to address the challenges identified in the „stock taking“ part of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. Each year certain thematic areas will be addressed in meetings of two to three days, and the language of the topics has been directly taken from the 2019 Ministerial Declaration.

The formal structure

The formal rules for the organisation and functioning of the Commission are the Rules of Procedure for Functional Commissions of the Economic and Social Council. The involvement of NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC is based on Resolution 1996/31 of ECOSOC. To allow the Commission to complete its agenda, the regular March meeting comprises a Plenary session (in the M-Plenary room of the Vienna International Centre) and a parallel Committee of the Whole, or CoW (in Board Room A).

In the Plenary there is debate on implementation of the drug control treaties, demand reduction and supply reduction, and there is discussion on policy directives to the UNODC and on strengthening the drug control mechanism. The CoW holds preliminary discussions on resolutions before they are finalised and transferred to the Plenary. It is an opportunity for participants to discuss technical issues in greater depth. The CND Chairperson normally oversees the Plenary, while the First Vice-Chairperson normally chairs meetings of the CoW.

The work of the CND is divided into two parts:

A Normative Segment where it considers proposals to make changes to the drug control regime under the Conventions, considers the reports from INCB and a number of thematic reports from UNODC, and deals with any emerging drug control issues. Under this segment it also fulfils any other mandates received from the General Assembly or ECOSOC – such as monitoring implementation of the outcome of the 2016 Special Session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem. Under this segment, the CND may hold round tables or other forms of dialogue to explore topics in greater detail. 

An Operative Segment where the CND functions as one of the governing bodies for the UNODC’s work on drugs, providing policy directives and guidance, reviewing ways to improve the working of the drug control machinery and considering administrative and budget issues

Furthermore, the main CND session in March also comprises a number of side events organised by Member States, international organisations and/or NGOs. There is also a range of exhibitions and other side meetings and events throughout the week.

Draft Decisions and Resolutions 

Draft decisions and resolutions are proposals submitted by one or more members of the Commission, or by a Member State representing a regional group, for consideration by the Committee of the Whole before adoption in the Plenary.

Draft decisions are commonly used to recommend adoption by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the report from the current session of CND and the Annual Report of INCB, and to request approval of the draft agenda for the next session of CND.

Draft resolutions are commonly used to draw attention to a specific issue or area of concern and, based on the mandate of CND and UNODC, to call for action to respond to the identified problem by Member States, UNODC or other international organisations. It is not unusual for draft resolutions to call for civil society, including NGOs, to be involved.

Who can put forward resolutions to the CND?

Only UN Member States can put forward resolutions for adoption by the Commission. There is usually considerable negotiation over the wording whilst the Commission is meeting. But please see the next section for advice on how you can contribute to the drafting and negotiation of resolutions.

Draft resolutions will be posted on the CND documents website as soon as possible, so that they can be downloaded in advance. The Friday before the opening of the Commission is reserved for informal consultations between Member States where supporters are sought and problem areas are identified. Further negotiations then take place throughout the meeting. Informal drafting committees are often formed to work on draft resolutions to reduce the time required for detailed discussions in the CoW – but NGO representatives cannot attend these ‘informal’ meetings.

Revised drafts of the resolutions continue to appear during the week and can be obtained from the document distribution counter (outside of the Plenary room on the 1st floor of the M Building).

How are decisions made at the CND? 

Traditionally the Member States attending CND make decisions and adopt resolutions by consensus. In practice no distinction is made between the states which are members and those which are observers. The only exception is for the scheduling of substances under the Conventions, where a vote is sometimes needed.

Although voting is permitted, in practice most CND decisions and resolutions are adopted through consensus – this is often referred to as the “Vienna Spirit”. 

Other working arrangements used by the Commission
Regional Group Meetings

Regional groups of countries usually hold meetings during sessions of the CND in an effort to agree on common positions. These are closed meetings only open to Member State representatives from the relevant region.

Open-ended Working Groups

These are formed to act on particular topics under the guidance of the Extended Bureau and usually based on a resolution of the Commission. These are usually closed meetings designed to produce reports and recommendations for consideration by CND. However some working groups hold Expert Meetings where selected NGOs may be invited to provide input – often via the VNGOC.

Sub-commission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East

Meets annually to coordinate regional activities directed against illicit drug traffic and to formulate recommendations to the CND. This is a closed meeting for representatives of relevant Member States.

Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies

There are four regionally based meetings – in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe. Their role is to coordinate activities directed against illicit drug traffic within the respective region. These are closed meetings for representatives of the relevant Member States.


All NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC can attend CND meetings as observers. 

NGOs are important contributors to local, national and international efforts to reduce drug related problems. Both the 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document and the 2019 Ministerial Declaration adopted by Member States reflects the important role of Civil Society. Whether or not you can attend the CND in Vienna, NGO’s can engage in a variety of ways:

The following NGOs may attend the CND as observers:

NGOs in general or special consultative status with ECOSOC and NGOs on the ECOSOC Roster where the meeting is on a topic within their field of competence.

These attendance arrangements are established by ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31. In that Resolution, other modalities for participation can be used, but to date no additional modalities have been adopted by the CND.

An increasing number of countries now also include NGOs on their government delegations. We encourage NGOs to approach their government and request that an NGO be included on the national delegation, wherever this is possible. Each year, usually in late January, the Secretariat to the Governing Bodies (SGB) sends invitation letters to the NGOs with ECOSOC status (general, special or roster) that participated in the CND the year before. Receiving this invitation is not a guarantee that you will be registered for CND, and no funding is provided by the Commission for NGO attendance.

Any NGO with a valid ECOSOC status can send a delegation. In order to be able to attend you need to register your delegation through the INDICO event registration system, using the link provided by the Secretariat to all invitees. All participants should register as soon as possible but no later than one week before the start of the session. The registration system asks for a letter of request for accreditation, signed by the head of the organisation, which needs to be uploaded when prompted.

ECOSOC registered NGOs can have up to 10 people in their delegation.

My organisation does not have consultative status, can I still attend?

You can attend if an NGO with ECOSOC status (general, special or roster) nominates you as one of their representatives at the Commission. You can ask an NGO you know which has consultative status to nominate you. A database of NGOs can be found on the website of the NGO Branch.

For example, you may find an organisation in your country which you know and which will nominate you as their representative, you may be part of a network who can assist, or you can contact organisations which seem relevant and discuss with them the possibility of you being nominated as one of their representatives. As a representative of another NGO, you can only make statements at the CND with their explicit permission.

All documents including draft resolutions can be found on the CND website.

It is valuable to know which government departments and ministries are represented on the delegation of your country, and the names and positions of the delegates. To assist with this, a list of participants from last years’ session can be found at on the CND website.

You may request to meet members of the delegation from your country in advance of the meeting of CND. It is important that you have the agenda and draft resolutions downloaded in advance so that you can contribute constructively and offer suggestions for improvement based on your experience. If you are meeting your country’s delegation in advance, you will be more effective if you do so in collaboration with a significant number of NGOs from your country. Meeting with the national delegation before CND will allow you to receive a briefing on the positions being taken, and to provide inputs.

Propose a resolution through a Member State

There is no reason why an NGO cannot work with a Member State to suggest a resolution, but it is important to start discussions with the Member State well in advance of the CND meeting. Resolutions themselves must be submitted one month before the start of the session. It is also worth remembering that draft resolutions often get substantially changed, or even dropped completely, as Members States negotiate positions with each other. NGOs can also advocate to national delegations to add, amend or delete language in draft resolutions.

Provide expert advice and assistance to Member States as they negotiate draft resolutions

It is important to remember that the Commission on Narcotic Drugs is a governmental body and not all governments are as open to the involvement of NGOs. Even governments who are supportive of NGO involvement can become frustrated with NGOs if they do not recognise that negotiations require compromise to make any progress, and that broader diplomatic contexts are also important. That said, there are many opportunities for NGOs to work with the Commission and to make a positive contribution to its work.

From Tuesday onwards, the Committee of the Whole (CoW) meets to discuss and negotiate amendments to the draft resolutions. On some (but not all) draft resolutions, regional groups such as the EU or GRULAC may agree a joint position. National delegations may also receive specific instructions from their government, limiting the room they have for negotiating or agreeing to compromise language. Delegations may also compromise on wording in one resolution to get better wording in another resolution. It is important for NGOs to understand the constraints on delegations and that negotiations take place within a wider diplomatic context than the CND alone.

Nonetheless, NGOs can make a valuable contribution through dialogue with Member States – although our participation in the CoW is strictly as observers and NGOs may not make interventions. NGOs can informally suggest alternative wording to Member States for the draft texts, as well as offering information and experience in support of draft resolutions or of specific amendments. Their knowledge and expertise can assist delegations as they negotiate but will be only one of the factors affecting these discussions.

Provide publications

There is limited space available for document distribution in the UN building, and no exhibition space available for the display of posters and photographs without prior arrangement. The VNGOC has two tables for NGOs attending the CND to display their publications. Please note that publications and publicity materials cannot be distributed to Member States inside the rooms used by the Commission, except for at side events.

Please also follow the Code of Conduct for NGOs when disseminating materials. 

Build relations with national delegations

The Commission meeting may be one of the few occasions when representatives from national governments have the opportunity to meet NGOs – especially those from outside of their country or region. There is an opportunity for NGOs to build relations not only with diplomats working in Vienna, but also with those developing and implementing policy and practice in capitals. Meeting over coffee, lunch or at a side event or reception allows for informal discussion and the chance to provide relevant information and assistance. It can also provide the basis for future collaboration and partnership between NGOs and Member States.

NGOs can make written and oral statements. Make sure to observe the rules for such submissions!

NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC may submit written statements to the Commission. NGOs in general consultative status may submit written statements of up to 2,000 words. NGOs in special consultative status may submit written statements of up to 1,500 words.

A written statement is issued, unedited, in the language(s) as received (English, French or Spanish) from the submitting NGO. NGOs assume full responsibility for the content of their statements, which should fully uphold UN standards and avoid undiplomatic, accusatory and/or abusive language. The deadline for written statements is normally two weeks prior to the session and all statements need to be submitted to the Secretariat of the Governing Bodies (unodc-sgb[@] 

Checklist for written statements:

  • Include contact information for the representative submitting written statement (name, mobile, email), and the corresponding agenda item
  • Include NGO’s name as it appears in the ECOSOC NGO database, indicating consultative status in brackets (general, special)
  • List all NGOs supporting the statement (they will appear as a footnote to the statement title)
  • Statement needs to be in MS WORD format (Font Times New Roman 10 point)
  • Languages: English, French or Spanish
  • All submissions are final, no changes will be made afterwards
Make an oral statement

Representatives from NGOs in general or special consultative status may make an oral statement during the Plenary sessions. NGOs on the Roster may put a request to the Secretariat to make an oral statement.

Prior to the opening of the Commission, NGOs wishing to register on the list of speakers are asked to send the name of the organization, the name (FAMILY NAME, first name) as well as the function of their speaker as well as the item under which they wish to speak. This information should be sent to the Secretariat to the Governing Bodies at unodc-sgb[@]

During the meeting itself, speakers need to register on the speaker’s list in the Plenary room at the conference officer’s desk before the item that they wish to address closes.

A speaking time of maximum three minutes (or 300 words) is allotted to all speakers.

The list of speakers is established on a first- come first-served basis. NGO speakers are called after the list of member state and intergovernmental organisation speakers has been exhausted and there is no guarantee that they will be called because of the time constraints during the session. It is the responsibility of the NGO to follow the speaker’s list and make sure they are available at the right time. A written copy of the statement should be provided in advance so that the translators have the text before them. It is also a good idea to have copies of the statement available so that they can be left on the distribution tables.

Member States, intergovernmental organisations and/ or NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC can organise side events. 

Side events are meetings or panel discussions on topics relevant to the work of CND but outside the formal agenda of the Commission. They may be organised by Member States, intergovernmental organisations and/ or NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC. Official side events are held in one of the conference or meeting rooms of the United Nations, and there is also the possibility to hire the restaurant of the Vienna International Centre or rooms in the nearby hotels for unofficial events .

The Secretariat of the UNODC Governing Bodies has produced guidelines for side events. This is intended to avoid time clashes with formal meetings of the CND and to avoid side events overlapping. Facilities for side events will only be available between 8 and 10 am and 1 and 3 pm when the CND is meeting and each year there is a deadline for submitting a side event request. The application period is typically in January

Side events being held in conference or meeting rooms are usually listed in the official side event programme, the daily Journal and on the TV monitors in the public areas. Provide your own publicity material and make this available to delegates. Please note that side event promotional material can only be placed on a designated table in front of the Plenary room in the M-building. The material placed there needs to be cleared by the Secretariat of the Commission prior to distribution by submitting it in electronic form to unodc-sgb[@] two weeks before the session.

Tips for successful side events

  • Try to plan a joint event, preferably with Member States, a UN body and other NGOs as co-sponsors.
  • Keep to the time slots of 50 minutes.
  • Liaise with the VNGOC and/or other larger NGO networks so that we can put different organisations in touch with each other and try to ensure as many collaborative side events as possible.
  • Try to make a clear link with the agenda of the Commission so your event can feed in directly to its work.
  • Work with the Civil Society Unit of UNODC (unodc-ngounit[@] to plan and promote your side event.

Join the VNGOC and share your experiences!

It is also important to maintain contact and dialogue between the annual sessions of CND. All NGOs, whether or not you were able to attend the Commission, can work with your national and local government to implement the decisions, commitments and resolutions that all Member States adopted by consensus.

What you can do
  • Download and read the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action, the 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document as well as the 2019 Ministerial Declaration and the UN System Common Position on Drugs.
  • Identify the policies and actions which are relevant to your work and to which you can contribute your experience.
  • Build alliances with other NGOs including, for example, those concerned with health, young people, education, social development, crime prevention and community safety, as well as with those concerned directly with drug problems.
  • Meet your countries delegation again for a de-brief after CND, ideally together with other NGOs.
  • Develop a common platform of actions which you want to take forward to reduce illicit/harmful drug use.
  • Try to establish regular contact with relevant officials at national and/or local government level to review progress in tackling drug problems and identify areas requiring further attention.
  • Build links with elected representatives to review results and advocate for appropriate resource allocation.

These are just some ways in which NGOs can contribute to the work of the Commission and demonstrate the value and importance of civil society. What is valuable is that NGOs push for, and contribute to, the development and implementation of policies and programmes which reflect the promises and commitments made by Member States.


The CND takes place at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), home to the United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria. 

Getting to the Vienna International Centre (VIC)

The VIC is located in Vienna’s Donaustadt area across the Danube, just seven minutes from the city centre by U-Bahn. The street address is Wagramer Strasse 5, 1220 Vienna, Austria, with the Visitors Entrance located right next to the “Kaisermühlen/Vienna International Centre” U-Bahn stop.

The easiest way to get to the VIC is by the U- Bahn, the underground train system of Vienna. Access to all subway stations and 95% of the tram and bus stops in Vienna is accessible. The Wiener Linien provide up to date information on the accessibility in German on their website.

From the city centre take the line U1 (the red line) to Kaisermühlen / Vienna International Centre and leave by the exit for the VIC. You will need to go through the visitor’s entrance and a security check to get into the VIC. Once you are inside the VIC and have picked up your pass (see below), go to Entrance A and follow the signs to the M building.

A direct ‘Vienna Airport Lines’ bus also links the VIC and the Vienna Airport. Buses to the airport leave from outside of Gate 1 of the VIC every hour between 7.10 and 19.10. Buses to the VIC leave the airport every hour from 6.10. to 20.10 p.m. The bus takes around 45 minutes.

Passes can usually be collected starting on Friday before the start of the session. Be prepared to queue if you collect your pass on Monday morning. 

You will need to go through the visitor’s entrance at Gate 1 of the Vienna International Centre (VIC) and through a security check to get into the VIC.

Provided you registered for the conference through the INDICO platform you will be able to collect your pass immediately after the security check at Gate 1. The pass office is open from 08:00 to 16:00 and you will need your passport and confirmation email from the CND Secretariat to collect your pass.

You must have a conference pass for the CND to attend the Commission (annual passes will not be sufficient), and you need to wear your pass at all times when in the VIC.

Try to send bulky items in advance. 

Leaflets, booklets, books and posters for distribution can normally be brought in to the VIC.

If possible, bulky items should be sent in advance and advice on this can be obtained from the Civil Society Unit of UNODC (unodc-ngounit[@] 

It is also good practice to clear the arrangements for bringing in bulky items with the UN Security and Safety Service (vicsecuritychiefoffice[@]

Most meetings of the CND including the plenary, the CoW and most ofthe side events take place in the M-building.

The shortest way to get to the M-building is via the B-building. Keep left after entering through Gate 1 onto the plaza, and use the first revolving doors on your left to enter the B-building and follow the signs to the M-Building.

The M-building has elevators granting access to all levels. The main conference rooms, including the Plenary, are located on the first floor.

 As part of the Secretariat’s efforts to limit environmental impact through the digitalisation of conference materials, only a limited number of pre-session documents will be available at the session. When in the VIC, have a look at for information on the conference, the agenda and other useful materials.

The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Official documents of the meetings will be made available in these official languages. I n the Plenary and the CoW sessions of the Commission, simultaneous translation between the official languages will be provided. However Side Events are not usually interpreted.

There is an NGO lounge reserved by the UNODC Civil Society Unit and the VNGOC, located in room MOE027 on the ground floor of the M Building.

This is equipped with a PC and internet connection. The NGO Lounge is a place where NGOs can work, meet each other or relax. As it is intended as a general space for all NGOs attending CND, it cannot be used for private meetings.

The VIC has open Wi-Fi (“Guest-VIC”) allowing internet access from your laptop or mobile phone. There are also a few computers with internet access, located on the 4th floor of the C-building.

There are a few printers available in the VIC ‘internet corner’ on the 4th floor of the C-building but for any large scale printing you will need to use a print shop in Vienna, e.g. „ Repa NEO“ which is close to the VIC. 

Cafeterias selling coffee, tea, soft drinks and light refreshments (sandwiches, cakes, etc.) are available in the M Building, and on the 4th and 7th floors of the C Building. A cafeteria and restaurant serving hot food is also available, as you approach the F Building. The cafeteria is selfservice and has a wide choice of food at reasonable prices. The restaurant is table service, is more expensive and it is wise to book a table for lunch. The phone number for making a reservation is +43 (01) 260 60 extension 4877.

Conference participants are welcome to use the United Nations Library services and facilities on the fourth floor of the E building (room number E0482). The Library is open from 9:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Banking services are available at the branch of Uni Credit/ Bank Austria, located on the first floor of the C building. Opening hours are from 09:00 to 15:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and from 09:00 to 17.30 on Thursdays.

Postal services are available at the post office located on the first floor of the C building.

Medical services are available from the clinic operated by the Joint Medical Service, located on the seventh floor of the F building (extension 22224 and, for emergencies, extension 22222). The clinic is open from 08:30 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16.30 daily, except on Thursdays when it is open from 08:30 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 15:00. For medical emergency assistance at other times, please contact staff in the Security Duty Room (room F0E21, extension 3903).

Lost & Found – Inquiries for any items that are reported lost within the Vienna International Centre (VIC) premises should be made at the UNSSS Security Operations Centre, Room FOE18 (opposite the VIC Cafeteria). Telephone extensions 3903 or 3904.

Connect to the VNGOC and let us know any feedback!

Meeting with Member States

Try to arrange a meeting with your national delegation before CND to discuss the agenda and draft resolutions. 
Don’t forget to follow up with you national delegation after the CND to discuss resolutions and any next steps. 


Make sure that an ECOSOC-accredited NGO allows you to register as on of their delegates through INDICO (the UN online conference portal). 

Also make sure that you received an email confirming your registration. You will not receive a conference pass otherwise! 

Visa Application

Apply for your visa well ahead of your travel dates. The VNGOC can provide invitation letters to VNGOC member organisations to support visa applications. Send an email to if you require help. 

Travel arrangements

Book your flight and accommodation as soon as possible, both can get busy (and expensive) because of UN and other large meetings. 

Inform the VNGOC about your planned events

Let the VNGOC know you will be attending so we can keep you updated on any new developments. Also let us know if you will be holding a side event so we can publicise it. 

E-mail us at!


Additional helpful links and a glossary of terms used in the context of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs. 


Committee of the Whole

During the annual main session of the CND the CoW holds preliminary discussions on resolutions before they are finalised and transferred to the Plenary. It is an opportunity for participants to discuss technical issues in greater depth. The CND Chairperson normally oversees the Plenary, while the First Vice- Chairperson normally chairs meetings of the CoW.


United Nations Economic and Social Council

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of the 6 principal organs of the United Nations System established by the UN Charter in 1945. It consists of 54 Members of the United Nations elected by the General Assembly. ECOSOC coordinates economic, social, and related work of the fourteen United Nations specialised agencies, functional commissions and five regional commissions. It serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to Member States and the United Nations system.


Group of Latin American and Caribbean States

GRULAC is one of five UN Regional Groups and is composed of 33 Member States from Central and South America, as well as some islands in the West Indies. The Group is allowed to allocate 10 seats on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs among its Member States. 


International Narcotic Controls Board

INCB is an independent, quasi-judicial expert body established by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961. It is mandated to monitor the implementation of the United Nations international drug control conventions. 


Non Governmental Organisation


New York NGO Committee on Drugs

The NYNGOC provides a platform for discussion of drugs and drug-related subjects and interfaces with the United Nations (UN) to collaborate on solutions to global drug problems.


Secretariat of the Governing Bodies / Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

The Secretariat provides substantive, technical and organisational support to both Commissions (CND & CCPCJ). It services the regular and reconvened sessions of the Commissions, by coordinating the preparation and drafting of documentation and by facilitating the deliberations in plenary and the negotiations of draft resolutions in the Committee of the Whole. The side events held during the regular sessions of the Commissions are also coordinated by SGB. SGB also supports the Chairs, the Bureaux and Extended Bureaux of the Commissions and advises them on substantive, procedural and organisational matters during the sessions as well as in the intersessional period.


United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem 2016

The UN General Assembly held a Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs in 2016 and adopted the outcome document “Our joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem” (  A/RES/S-30/1).


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

UNODC is part of the United Nations Secretariat and was established to implement the UN drug programme and crime programme in an integrated manner, addressing the interrelated issues of drug control, crime prevention and international terrorism in the context of sustainable development and human security.


Vienna International Centre

VIC is the campus and building complex hosting the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) as well as a number of other international organisations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency. As the home of UNODC it is usually the venue for all major CND meetings. 

See section 3 on advice about getting there. 


Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (Wiener Drogen Komitee) 

VNGOC  is a large umbrella organisation and was established in 1983 to provide a link between non governmental organisations (NGOs) and the Vienna-based agencies involved in setting drug policy. We also work closely with our sister  New York NGO Committee on Drugs (NYNGOC) when working with other UN bodies such as the General Assembly (GA) and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).


World Health Organisation

The World Health Organization is a specialised UN agency responsible for international public health. 

In the context of the International Drug Control Conventions the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) makes recommendations to CND on whether or not the substances assessed should be placed under international control. CND and UNODC also regularly consult with WHO and matters concerning public health as they pertain to narcotic drugs. 
