Documents for the 55th session of the Commission are available on the UNODC web site. They are available in all 6 UN languages (Arabic, Chineses, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and are added as the official translations become ready.
At the meetings of the Commission only a limited quantity of the documents is available and participants are expected to download and print the documents in advance to bring with them. For convenience, the English version of the documents can be accessed through the links below. For the other language versions please go to the UNODC web site link given above..
Provisional agenda and annotations E/CN.7/2012/1
Report of the Secretariat on the world situation with regard to drug abuse E/CN.7/2012/2
Report of the Executive Director on activities of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime E/CN.7/2012/3 – E/CN.15/2012/3
Report of the Secretariat on the world situation with regard to drug trafficking E/CN.7/2012/4
Report of the Secretariat on action by the subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs E/CN.7/2012/5
Note by the Secretary-General on the proposed strategic framework for the biennium 2014-2015 E/CN.7/2012/6 -E/CN.15/2012/6
Note by the Secretariat on promoting coordination and alignment of decisions between the Commission on Narcotic drugs and the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS E/CN.7/2012/7
Report of the Executive Director on the Paris Pact Initiative. E/CN.7/2012/10
Note by the Secretariat on the work of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime E/CN.7/2012/12-E/CN.15/2012/12
Report of the Executive Director on responding to the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other blood borne disease among drug users E/CN.7/2012/16
Note by the Secretariat on the organization of the round-table discussions at the fifty-fourth and fifty fifth sessions E/CN.7/2011/8
Note by the Secretariat on improving the participatory role of civil society in addressing the world drug problem E/CN.7/2012/CRP.1
Note by the Secretariat on Proposed strategic framework 2014-2015 for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime E/CN.7/2012/CRP.2
International Workshop and Conference on Alternative Development in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai, Thailand. 6-11 November, 2011 E/CN.7/2012/CRP.3
Technical Consultation – International standards on drug use prevention. Vienna 23-25 January, 2012 E/CN.7/2012/CRP.5
Reports by intergovernmental organizations on drug control activities. E/CN.7/2012/CRP.6
Draft Resolutions
Title | Original Text | Revised Text |
Draft Report: Organization of the session and administrative matters | E/CN.7/2012/L.1 | |
Draft Report: Policy directives to the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and strengthening the drug programme and the role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs as its governing body, including administrative, budgetary and strategic management questions | E/CN.7/2012/L.1/Add.1 | |
Draft Report: Round-table discussions | E/CN.7/2012/L.1/Add.2 | |
Draft Report: Implementation of the international drug control treaties | E/CN.7/2012/L.1/Add.3 | |
Draft Report: Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem | E/CN.7/2012/L.1/Add.4 | |
Draft Report: World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission | E/CN.7/2012/L.1/Add.5 | |
Promoting international cooperation in responding to new psychoactive substances | E/CN.7/2012/L.2 | E/CN.7/2012/L.2/Rev1 |
Reintegration of persons released from prison who have renounced drug abuse | E/CN.7/2012/L.3 | E/CN.7/2012/L.3/Rev1 |
100th Anniversary of the Opium Convention | E/CN.7/2012/L.4 | E/CN.7/2012/L.4/Rev1 |
Follow-up on the proposal to organize an international workshop and conference on alternative development | E/CN.7/2012/L.5 | E/CN.7/2012/L.5/Rev1 |
Promoting treatment alternatives to incarceration as an effective strategy on drug demand reduction | E/CN.7/2012/L.6 | Combined with L.7 to form L.15 and then withdrawn |
Brief sanctions, monitoring, and treatment as an alternative to incarceration | E/CN.7/2012/L.7 | Combined with L.6 to form L.15 and then withdrawn |
Promoting female-oriented strategies and interventions for women at risk of drug use and drug dependence | E/CN.7/2012/L.8 | E/CN.7/2012/L.8/Rev1 |
Developing an international electronic import and export authorisation system for licit trade of controlled substances | E/CN.7/2012/L.9 | E/CN.7/2012/L.9/Rev1 |
Promoting the use and availability of measures to prevent death from opiate overdose | E/CN.7/2012/L.10 | E/CN.7/2012/L.10/Rev1 |
Promotion of the use of a global stamp symbolizing alternative development, including preventive development, as a mechanism facilitating and stimulating the trade in products from areas affected by and vulnerable to the world drug problem | E/CN.7/2012/L.11 | E/CN.7/2012/L.11/Rev1 |
Measures to support African States in their efforts to combat the world drug problem | E/CN.7/2012/L.12 | E/CN.7/2012/L.12/Rev1 |
Preventing the use of illicit drugs | E/CN.7/2012/L.13 | E/CN.7/2012/L.13/Rev1 |
Follow-up to the Third Ministerial Conference of the Paris Pact Partnerson Combating Illicit Traffic in Opiates Originating in Afghanistan | E/CN.7/2012/L.14 | E/CN.7/2012/L.14/Rev1 |
Alternatives to imprisonment as effective demand reduction strategies that promote public health and public safety | E/CN.7/2012/L.15 |