An Introduction to the 2009 CND for NGOs

The 53rd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

The 53rd session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will be held in Vienna from 8 – 12 March, 2010.


The Commission was established by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 9 (I) of 16 February 1946 as the central policy-making body within the United Nations system dealing with drug-related matters. The Commission analyses the world drug situation and develops proposals to strengthen the international drug control system to combat the world drug problem.

Over the years the size and the mandate of the Commission has increased and it has moved from meeting every second year to every year.  Its meetings are held at the Vienna International Centre, which houses a number of United Nations bodies.

The VNGOC has prepared a briefing for Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organisations about the work of the Commission and how organisations might contribute to its work.  You can download the briefing here
