Beyond 2008 Regional Consultations
Beyond 2008 – A Global NGO Forum on the Review of the United Nations General Assembly
Special Session on Illicit Drugs 1998/2008
Welcome to the Beyond 2008 Regional Consultation page.
The Beyond 2008 Program Committee appointed two or three organisations in each of the regions listed below to lead the regional consultation process. Each Regional Lead Organisation (RLO) was asked to work to:
- Jointly develop, manage and host the ‘Beyond 2008’ regional consultation with the other organization(s) and to produce a written record of proceeding (in English) within one month of the consultation.
- Attend the 2007 and 2008 Commission on Narcotic Drugs meetings in Vienna, attend the VNGOC meetings and where appropriate, make presentations on their respective organization and/or on the regional consultation.
- Attend a preliminary regional planning meeting on the margins of the 2007 CND to outline a mutually agreeable timeline/work plan for the consultation.
- Attend the ‘Beyond 2008’ Forum on 12 March, 2008, where they are to make a joint presentation on the key findings on their regional consultation.
The RLOs have been guided and coordinated by a Designated Representative of the Vienna and New York NGO Committees on Narcotic Drugs. The role of the Designated Representative (DNGOCR) was to:
- facilitate communication and management of the planning and delivery of the Regional Consultation between September 2007 and February 2008
- support the RLOs in accessing relevant information related to the consultations
- develop and maintain region specific web content and workspaces (located at
- act as facilitator for the Regional Consultation
- act as the formal liaison between the RLOs and the Program Committee appointed by the Vienna NGO Committee.
- support the RLOs by managing the allocated budget and ensuring that forecast costs and commensurate expenditures meet approved guidelines, including the pre-approval of expenditures, ensuring prompt payment and accountability of charges incurred
- Regional Consultations have been or are to be held in:
- Australia and New Zealand, East and Southeast Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the
- Caribbean, North Africa and the Middle East, North America, South Asia, Southeast and East Asia and the
- Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, West Europe.
- In those regions typed in red, financial support was received to make a significant contribution to the
- In the other regions the RLOs secured significant support and sponsorship for their
Information about each of the Regional Consultations can be obtained by clicking on the link on the left hand side navigation bar.
If you cannot find the information you want on this or other pages, please contact