South Asia
(Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)
Regional Lead Organisations
Shelter Don Bosco, India, represented by Barnabe D’Souza and Novela Corda
Dhaka Ahsania Mission, Bangladesh, represented by Kazi Rafiqul Azam and Iqbal Masud
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC), Sri Lanka, represented by Pubudu andUpul Kariyawasam
Designated NGO Committees Representative
Gabor Somogyi (Hungary) of the Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme, UK
The regional consultation was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on the 8th and 9th January, 2008. It was hosted by the Dhaka Ahsania Mission and was attended by NGOs from across the region and representing a wide range of responses to drug related problems. Unfortunately, due to bad weather and the cancellation of the flights neither the NGO representatives nor the UNODC observer from Iran were able to attend. Nevertheless there was lively discussion and exchange and a commitment was made by the participants to seek ways in which they could continue their dialogue. A start was made when Dhaka Ahsania Mission hosted a meeting of Bangladesh NGOs to develop future collaborative mechanisms.
To download the report from the Consultation and the list of participants click this link.