63rd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
2-6 March 2020

To support NGO and CSO participation in and engagement with the Commission, the VNGOC has prepared a detailed Guide with information about the Commission and how it operates; information about NGO participation in the Commission and suggestions on how they can engage most effectively with its work (even if they cannot be present in Vienna); practical information; useful links and contacts.

The Guide is now also available in French and Spanish!

The Civil Society Forum on Drugs helped to translate the Guide to CND 2020 into French and Spanish within the framework of the “CFSD” project which is funded by the European Commission.

NEW this CND

On Thursday, 5th March 2020 the VNGOC chair, Jamie Bridge held an oral statement in the CND Plenary.

VNGOC Events

These are the main events with VNGOC involvement, and we hope those of you in Vienna will join us for these meetings. We will of course keep you updated if there are any changes. Please consider following us on Twitter and Facebook to learn the latest news during the CND:
