A list of all our member organisations can be found below.
If you find that the information about your organisation is no longer up to date and should be changed, please get in touch at info[at]vngoc.org.
Thank you for your cooperation!
VNGOC Members
Organization | Acronym | Country | Website |
Swedish Drug Users Union (Svenska Brukarforeningen) | SDUU | Sweden | www.svenskabrukarforeningen.se |
International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care | IAHPC | USA | www.iahpc.com |
Open Society Institute | OSI | USA | http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org |
Washington Office on Latin America | WOLA | USA | www.wola.org |
Asociacion Nacional de Investigación Criminológica y Formación Forense de España | ANICFFE | Spain | |
Harm Reduction International | HRI | United Kingdom | https://hri.global/ |
HIV Legal Network | Canada | www.hivlegalnetwork.ca | |
México Unido contra la Delincuencia A.C | MUCD | Mexico | www.mucd.org.mx |
International AIDS Society | IAS | Switzerland | www.iasociety.org |
International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies | IDHDP | United Kingdom | www.idhdp.com |
Youth RISE (Resource, Information, Support, Education) Limited | Youth RISE | United Kingdom | www.youthrise.org |
Wellbeing Foundation | India | ||
Eurasian Harm Reduction Association | EHRA | Lithuania | www.harmreductioneurasia.org |
FORUT – Campaign for Development and Solidarity | FORUT | Norway | www.forut.no |
Active - sobriety, friendship and peace | ACTIVE | Sweden | www.activeeurope.org |
IOGT - NTO | Sweden | www.iogt.se | |
Human Rights Watch | HRW | USA | www.hrw.org |
National Association of Drug Court Professionals | NADCP | USA | www.nadcp.org |
AIDES | AIDES | France | www.aides.org |
Federation Addiction | France | www.federationaddiction.fr | |
AIDS Foundation East-West | AFEW | Netherlands | www.afew.org |
Drug Abuse Prevention Centre | DAPC | Russia | www.eegyn.com |
International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service | ICEERS | Spain | www.iceers.org |
Health Poverty Action | HPA | United Kingdom | www.healthpovertyaction.org |
Frontline AIDS (formerly International HIV/AIDS Alliance) | FRONTLINE | United Kingdom | frontlineaids.org |
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy | CSSDP | Canada | http://cssdp.org |
Centre For Drug Universal Researches, Approaches & Studies | CUDRAS | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | www.cudras.ir |
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales | CELS | Argentina | www.cels.org.ar |
Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign | Ireland | www.citywide.ie | |
Community Development & Entrepreneurship Foundation | CDEF | Pakistan | |
Family and Friends for Drug Law Reform (ACT) Incorporated | FFDLR | Australia | www.ffdlr.org.au |
International Network of People who Use Drugs | INPUD | United Kingdom | www.inpud.net |
Latinoamerica Reforma | LAR | Chile | www.latinoamericareforma.cl |
Turkish Green Crescent Society/ Türkiye Yeşilay Cemiyeti | YEŞİLAY | Turkey | http://www.yesilay.org.tr/en/ |
Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network | Zimbabwe | www.zcldn.net | |
ACTIS - Rusfeltets samarbeidsorgan / Norwegian Policy Network on Aclohol and Drugs | ACTIS | Norway | www.actis.no |
Riksforbundet Narkotikafritt Samhälle (National Association for a Drug-Free Society) | RNS | Sweden | www.rns.se |
Community Alliances for Drug Free Youth | CADFY | USA | www.cadfy.org |
Drug Policy Alliance | DPA | USA | www.drugpolicy.org |
African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development | ACAHD | Nigeria | http://african-advocacygrp.org/ |
Agencia Piaget para o Desenvolvimento | APDES | Portugal | www.apdes.pt |
Andrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social Justice (ARF) | ARF | Russia | www.en.rylkov-fond.org; www.rylkov-fond.org |
Society For Recovery Support | SRS | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | www.srsorg.com |
Associazione Papa Giovanni XXIII | APG23 | Italy | en.apg23.org/en/ |
Sunny Trust International | STI | Pakistan | www.sunnytrust.org |
Dalgarno Institute | Australia | www.dalgarnoinstitute.org.au | |
Matua Raki, National Addiction Workforce Development | New Zealand | www.matuaraki.org.nz | |
South Caucasus Office on Drugs and Crime | SCODC | Georgia | www.scodc.org |
IOGT-NTO Junior Association | JUNIS | Sweden | www.junis.org |
Shola Mese Foundation | Nigeria | www.sholamesefoundation.org | |
Correlation-European Harm Reduction Network (De Regenboog Groep) | RG | Netherlands | www.correlation-net.org |
Mainline Foundation | Netherlands | www.mainline.nl | |
Penal Reform International | PRI | United Kingdom | www.penalreform.org |
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition | CDPC | Canada | www.drugpolicy.ca |
Centre for Drug Policy Evaluation | CDPE | Canada | www.icsdp.org |
Latin American and Caribbean Network of People Who Use Drugs | LANPUD | Mexico | www.lanpud.net |
Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos, A.C.) | CMDPDH | Mexico | www.cmdpdh.org |
Karim Khan Afridi Welfare Foundation | KKAWF | Pakistan | www.kkawf.org |
Drug Policy Australia Limited | Australia | www.drugpolicy.org.au | |
Fédération bruxelloise francophone des institutions pour toxicomanes | FEDITO BXL | Belgium | www.feditobxl.be |
Groupement romand d'études des addictions | GREA | Switzerland | www.grea.ch |
TB/HIV Care Association | South Africa | www.tbhivcare.org | |
Uganda Harm Reduction Network | UHRN | Uganda | https://ugandaharmreduction.wordpress.com/ |
Asociación Costarricense para el Estudio e Intervención en Drogas | ACEID | Costa Rica | www.aceidcr.org |
Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association | MENHARA | Lebanon | www.menhara.org |
Finnish Association for Humane Drug Policy (Humaania päihdepolitiikkaa ry) | HPP | Finland | www.hppry.fi |
Andean Information Network | AIN | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | http://ain-bolivia.org |
Help not Handcuffs, Inc. | USA | www.HelpNotHandcuffs.org | |
Youth Initiative for Drug Research Information Support and Education in Nigeria (YouthRISE Nigeria) | YouthRISE | Nigeria | www.youthriseng.org |
Foundation for Alternative Approaches to Addiction – Think & do tank | FAAAT | France | http://www.faaat.net |
ECHO | France | www.echocitoyen.org | |
Nierika A.C. Multidisciplinary Association for the Preservation of Indigenous Traditions of Sacred Plants | Nierika | Mexico | www.nierika.info |
EQUIS: Justicia para las Mujeres, AC | EQUIS | Mexico | www.equis.org |
Harm Reduction Australia | HRA | Australia | www.harmreductionaustralia.org.au |
Needle Exchange Services Trust NEST | New Zealand | https://www.nznep.org.nz/ | |
Community Restoration Initiative project | C.R.I.P | Uganda | www.coreipro.org |
African Development Assistance Consult | ADAC | Democratic Republic of Congo | www.adac-ong.org |
Iglesia Evangélica Protestante de El Salvador | IEPES | El Salvador | http://esiglesia.org |
NoBox Transitions Foundation, Inc. | NBTFI | Philippines | https://nobox.ph |
IOGT Norway | Norway | www.iogt.no | |
Junior- og barneorganisasjonen | Juba | Norway | www.juba.org |
Juvente Norway | Juvente | Norway | www.juvente.no |
Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk (the Association for Humane Drug Policies) | FHN | Norway | |
Sri Lanka Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations Against Drug Abuse (SLFONGOADA) | SLFONGOADA | Sri Lanka | https://www.facebook.com/slfongoada.fongoada |
Odyssey House Louisiana, Inc. | OHL | USA | www.ohlinc.org |
World Federation of Therapeutic Communities | WFTC | USA | www.wftc.org |
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies | MAPS | USA | www.maps.org |
Unified Initiative for a drug free Nigeria | Nigeria | ||
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws France | NORML France | France | www.norml.fr |
Association of Non-for-Profit Organizations to Facilitate the Drug Prevention and Socially Dangerous Behavior «National Anti-Drug Union» | NAU | Russia | https://nasrf.ru |
Instituto Internacional de Criminalística Aplicada | INICA | Spain | www.inpeval.com |
Women and Harm Reduction International Network | WHRIN | Indonesia | https://whrin.site |
ANORW Police and Emergency Services of the Ottawa Watershed | ANORW | Canada | www.anorw-police.ca |
Ana Liffey Drug Project | ALDP | Ireland | www.aldp.ie |
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association | FHRRDA | Pakistan | www.fhrrda.org |
Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia | SSDP Australia | Australia | http://ssdp.org.au |
Penington Institute | Australia | www.penington.org.au | |
Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Council | AADC | Australia | www.aadc.org.au |
Fields of Green for ALL NPC | FGASA | South Africa | www.fieldsofgreenforall.org.za |
Foundation of Polish Drug Policy Network | Poland | www.politykanarkotykowa.pl | |
Acción Técnica Social | ATS | Colombia | www.acciontecnicasocial.com |
Dejusticia | Dejusticia | Colombia | www.dejusticia.org |
Institute for Research and Development "Utrip" | Utrip | Slovenia | www.institut-utrip.si |
STIJENA RESOC | Croatia | www.stijenaresoc.hr | |
Action Jeunesse pour le Développement | AJED-Congo | Congo | www.ong- ajedcongo.blogspot.com |
Anti-Corruption Association of NGO | NGO-ACA | Taiwan, Province of China | www.ngo-icac.org.tw |
South Asian Drugs and Addictions Research Council | SA-DARC | India | www.sa-darc.org |
international police organization (internacionalna policijska organizacija) | IPO | Serbia | www.interpolice.org |
Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association | SANA | Singapore | http://www.sana.org.sg/ |
Spero | Norway | www.speroforeningen.no | |
Alliance for Rights-Oriented Drug Policies | AROD | Norway | www.arodpolicies.org |
Foundation for Innovative Social Development | FISD | Sri Lanka | www.FoundationforInnovativeSocialDevelopment.lk |
Center Point Inc. | CPI | USA | www.cpinc.org |
Nigeria Green Crescent Health Development Initiative | GHI | Nigeria | |
Autamaimasa Health Foundation | AHF | Nigeria | |
Independent Narcological Guild | ING | Russia | http://nng.com.ru/ |
Red Iberoamericana de ONG que trabajan en Drogas y Adicciones | RIOD | Spain | www.riod.org |
Scottish Drugs Forum | SDF | United Kingdom | sdf.org.uk |
Instituto RIA | RIA | Mexico | www.InstitutoRIA.org |
Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología capítulo Nuevo León (SOMECRIMNL) | SOMECRIMNL | Mexico | |
Villa Maraini Foundation | VMF | Italy | www.villamaraini.it |
Kalsoom Imdad Mental Health Center | RBTH | Pakistan | |
Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Europäisches Institut für multidisziplinäre Studien zu Menschenrechten und Wissenschaften | Knowmad Institut | Germany | https://knowmadinstitut.org |
Pertubuhan Bulan Sabit Hijau Malaysia (Green Crescent) | GCM | Malaysia | www.greencrescent.org.my/ |
Knowledge Foundation | KF | India | www.knowledgefoundation.co.in |
Pariwartan Sanchar Samuha | Pariwartan Media Group | Nepal | http://www.pariwartankhabar.com/ |
Just Say No Nepal | JSN | Nepal | www.justsayno.org.np |
Afghanistan Relief & Sustainable Development Organization (ARSDO) | ARSDO | Afghanistan | |
Afghanistan Green Crescent Organazation | AGCO | Afghanistan | |
Zeleni krst - Zeleni polumjesec (Green Crescent Serbia) | Zeleni polumjesec | Serbia | |
Kenya Economic Youth Network | KEYNET | Kenya | |
Students Community Against Drugs | SCAD | Kenya | |
Green Moon - Green Crescent Georgia | GM | Georgia | |
Association des relais communautaires d'Oshwe | ARCO | Democratic Republic of Congo | |
The Jordan Anti Drugs Society | TJADS | Jordan | www.tjads.org |
Against bad habits public union/ Zərərli vərdişlərə qarşı" ictimai birliyi Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | ||
Moroccan Green Crescent | MGC | Morocco | https://www.facebook.com/MoroccanGreenCrescent/ |
Prevention Information Lutte contre le Sida | PILS | Mauritius | www.pils.mu |
FONDACIONI YESILAY (Green Crescent Albania Foundation) | GCAF | Albania | www.yesilay.al |
Green Crescent Kyrgyzstan - "Public Association" Green Crescent Society | Kyrgyzstan | www.jashilay.kg | |
Udruzenje gradjana Zeleni polumjesec u Bosni i Hercegovini (Green Crescent Bosnia and Herzegovina) | UGZPBIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | www.yesilay.com |
Concepts Foundation | CFI | USA | www.conceptsfoundation.org |
Center for Innovative and Pragmatic Development Initiative | CIPDI | USA | www.cipdi.org |
SMART Recovery International | SRI | USA | www.smartrecoveryinternational.org |
Indonesia Gugus Semangat Anti Narkoba | IG SEMATIK | Indonesia | www.ifngo.info |
Sudanese Green Crescent Society | SGCS | Sudan | |
Youth Net and Counselling | YONECO | Malawi | www.yoneco.org |
European Cities Against Drugs | ECAD | Sweden | www.ecad.net |
Movendi International (formerly IOGT International) | Movendi | Sweden | www.movendi.ngo |
Women's Organization Committee on Alcohol and Drugs (Kvinnoorg Samarbetsråd i Alkohol & Narkotikafrågor) | WOCAD | Sweden | www.ksan.se |
World Federation Against Drugs | WFAD | Sweden | www.wfad.se |
Alcohol and drug Information Centre Sri Lanka | ADIC | Sri Lanka | |
African Action on AIDS | AAA | USA | African Action on AIDS |
Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America | CADCA | USA | www.cadca.org |
Drug Free America Foundation | DFAF | USA | www.dfaf.org |
Drug Reform Coordination Network | DRCNet | USA | www.stopthedrugwar.org |
Lions Club International | USA | www.lionsclubs.org | |
Smart Apporaches to Marijuana (SAM) | SAM | USA | https://learnaboutsam.org |
Students for Sensible Drug Policy | SSDP | USA | www.ssdp.org |
The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission | USA | www.salvationarmy.org/isjc | |
Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities | TASC, Inc. | USA | www.tasc.org |
Virginians Against Drug Violence | USA | http://www.drugsense.org/dpfva/ | |
Women's Federation for World Peace International | WFWPI | USA | www.wfwp.org |
Zonta International | USA | www.zonta.org | |
People Against Drug Dependence and Ignorance | PADDI | Nigeria | www.paddi.globalink.org |
Auto-Support des Usagers de Drogues | ASUD | France | www.asud.org |
Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem | OSMTH | France | |
Transnational Institute | TNI | Netherlands | www.tni.org |
Asociacion Proyecto Hombre | APH | Spain | www.proyectohombre.es |
Dianova International | Switzerland | www.dianova.ngo | |
Fundacion Atenea Grupo GID | Spain | www.ateneagrupogid.org | |
Associacao de Reabilitacao de Toxicodependentes de Macau | ARTM | Macau SAR, China | http://www.artm.org.mo |
Organizacao das Familias da Asia e do Pacifico | OFAP | Macau SAR, China | www.ofapmacau.org |
Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme | United Kingdom | http://www.beckleyfoundation.org | |
International Drug Policy Consortium | IDPC | United Kingdom | www.idpc.net |
Canadian Center on Substance Use | CCSA | Canada | www.ccsa.ca |
Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids | CCIC | Canada | www.ccic.net |
International Association for Applied Psychology | IAAP | Canada | www.iaapsy.org |
International Council of AIDS Service Organisations | ICASO | Canada | www.icaso.org |
International Society of Addiction Medicine | ISAM | Canada | http://www.isamweb.com/ |
Celebrate Recovery / Proslavi Oporavak | Bosnia and Herzegovina | http://www.proslavi-oporavak.ba | |
Rebirth Charity Organisation | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | ||
Intercambios Asociacion Civil | Argentina | www.intercambios.org.ar | |
Centro de Informacion y Education para la Prevencion del Abuso de Drogas | CEDRO | Peru | www.cedro.org.pe |
Centros de Integracion Juvenil AC | CIJ | Mexico | www.cij.gob.mx |
Centro Italiano di Solidarieta Don Mario Picchi di Roma | CeIS Roma | Italy | www.ceis.it |
Comunità di Venezia Società Cooperativa Sociale | Italy | www.comuve.it | |
Forum Droghe | Italy | http://www.forumdroghe.it/ | |
San Patrignano Foundation | Italy | www.sanpatrignano.org | |
Ray of Hope | ROH | Pakistan | www.rayofhope.tk |
Coordinating Network for Drug Abuse Control in Ethnics Communities | CONDEC | Thailand | |
Drug Free Australia | DFA | Australia | www.drugfree.org.au |
Deutscher Jugendschutz Verband | DJV | Germany | www.deutscher-jugendschutz-verband.de |
Dhaka Ahsania Mission | DAM | Bangladesh | www.ahsaniamission.org |
KETHEA | Greece | www.kethea.gr | |
Elternkreis Wien | Austria | http://www.elternkreis.at | |
European TC Foundation | EuroTC | Austria | http://www.euro-tc.org |
Federation of Austrian Professionals Working in the Field of Drugs (Österreichischer Verein der Drogenfachleute) | ÖVDF | Austria | www.oevdf.at |
Society for the Advancement of Global Understanding (Verein zur Förderung der Völkerverständigung) | Austria | ||
Europe Against Drugs | EURAD | Belgium | www.eurad.net |
European Federation of Therapeutic Communities | EFTC | Belgium | http://www.eftc-europe.com |
Foundation for a Drug Free Europe | Belgium | www.fdfe.org | |
Graduate Women International | GWI | Switzerland | www.graduatewomen.org |
International Council of Women | ICW-CIF | France | www.icw-cif.com |
International Council on Alcohol and Addictions | ICAA | Switzerland | www.icaa.ch |
International Federation of Social Workers | IFSW | Switzerland | www.ifsw.org |
International Agency for Crime Prevention, Criminal Law and Jurisdiction | IACPCLJ | Slovakia | http://www.crimjust.sk |
International Inner Wheel | United Kingdom | www.innerwheel.com | |
International Police Association | IPA | United Kingdom | www.ipa-iac.org |
Mentor International | United Kingdom | www.mentorfoundation.org | |
Release | United Kingdom | www.release.org.uk | |
Transform Drug Policy Foundation | United Kingdom | www.tdpf.org.uk | |
International Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse | IFNGO | Malaysia | www.ifngo.com |
Malaysian AIDS Council | Malaysia | www.mac.org.my | |
International Movement for Advancement of Education Culture Social & Economic Development | IMAECSED | India | www.imaecsed.com |
New Zealand Drug Foundation | NZDF | New Zealand | www.drugfoundation.org.nz |
National Drug Prevention Office | Azerbaijan | www.npodc.org | |
Nepal HIV/AIDS Alliance - Recovering Nepal | NEHA | Nepal | www. nepalaids.org.np |
Nepal NGO Society | NNS | Nepal | www.Nepalngo.org |
New Line Social Organisation | Afghanistan | www.nlo.org.af | |
Rede Brasileira de Reducao de Danos e Direitos Humanos | REDUC Rede | Brazil | www.reduc.org.br |
Slum Child Foundation | SCF | Kenya | www.slumchildfoundation.blogspot.com |
Ugandan Youth Development Link | UYDel | Uganda | http://www.uydel.org/ |
Youth Organisation for Drug Action | YODA | Poland | www.euro-yoda.org |
Swedish Youth Temperance Organisation (Ungdomens Nykterhetsförbund) | UNF | Sweden | |
Pakistan Youth Organisation | Pakistan | www.pyopk.org | |
International Society of Substance Use Professionals | ISSUP | United Kingdom | www.issup.net |
Green Crescent Indonesia Foundation (Yayasan Green Crescent Indoneia) | GCI | Indonesia | https://greencrescentindonesia.id/ |
Stardom Association / El NAJM | Stardom association | Lebanon | |
Green Crescent of Congo DR | GCC | Democratic Republic of Congo | |
KIBRIS YEŞİLAY DANIŞMANLIK MERKEZİ (Green Grescent Cyprus) | KIBRIS YEDAM | Cyprus | www.kibristurkyesilay.org |
Green Crescent Australia | GCA | Australia | |
Kosova Yeşilay Cemiyeti/ Shoqëria Hana e Gjelbërt e Kosovës (Green Crescent Kosovo) | Yesilay | Kosovo | www.yesilaykosova.org |
Tunisian Green Crescent | TGC | Tunisia | https://www.facebook.com/madinaty.association/ |
Milo Shaheed Trust For The Control Of Drug Abuse | MST | Pakistan | www.miloshaheedtrust.com |
The green crescent society-Palestine | GCSP | Palestine | |
Alcohol and Drug Foundation | ADF | Australia | adf.org.au |
Americans for Safe Access | ASA | USA | www.safeaccessnow.org |
Green Crescent South Africa | GCSA | South Africa | |
SDRUZHENIE YESHILAY - BALGARIA (Yeshilay Bulgaria - YSLBG) | SYB | Bulgaria | |
African Council on Narcotics | ACON | Nigeria | www.africouncilng.com |
Al Hidn | Morocco | ww.alhidn.org.ma | |
Chronic Illness Advocacy & Awareness Group dba | CIAAG | USA | www.ciaag.net |
Svetska Organizacija Sigurnosti / World Organization Safety | Montenegro | ||
Organization for Addiction Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation | OAPTAR | Malaysia | www.oaptar.com |
Kuchlak Welfare Society | KWS | Pakistan | www.kws.org.pk |
SHINE AFRICA FOUNDATION | SAF-TESO | Uganda | https://www.saftesoug.org |
Narconon Nigeria initiative | Nigeria | narcononnigeriainitiative.org | |
Society for the Promotion of Youth and Masses | SPYM | India | https://www.spym.org |
Associação Pró Coalizões Comunitárias Antidrogas do Brasil | Brazil | www.coalizaobrasil.com.br | |
Crossant Vert Sénégal | Senegal | ||
Verein Neubeginn | Austria | www.neubeginn.or.at | |
Focus life rehabilitation and psychological treatment center | Focus life rehab | Pakistan | www.focusliferehab.com |
TANZANIA GREEN CRESCENT COMMUNITY | TGCC | United Republic of Tanzania | www.tgcc.co.tz |
Green Crescent Ghana | GCG | Ghana | |
Drug Free Pakistan Foundation (DFPF) | DFPF | Pakistan | https://dfpf.org.pk/ |
Parvarish Welfare Organisation | PWO | Pakistan | www.parvarishwelfare.org |
The Legends Society | TLS | Pakistan | www.legendsociety.org |
Fundacion Nocka Munayki | Argentina | http://nockamunayki.com.ar/ | |
Daniel Nwankwo Foundation | DNF | Nigeria | danielnwankwofoundation.home.blog |
International Society of Substance Use Professionals Pakistan | ISSUP Pakistan | Pakistan | www.issup.net |
M A Jinnah Foundation (regd, Sialkot | MAJF | Pakistan | www.majinnahfoundation.com |
Observatorio Europeo del Consumo y Cultivo de Cannabis | OECCC | Spain | www.observatoriocannabis.com |
Föreningen Tryggare Ruspolitik (Association For Safer Drug Policies Sweden) | FTR | Sweden | https://www.tryggareruspolitik.se/ |
Human Rights Cell | HRCINDIA | India | www.humanrightscell.com |
Social Transformation Action Defined | STAND | South Africa | www.standaction.co.za |
RIO – a Norwegian users’ association in the field of alcohol and drugs | RIO | Norway | www.rio.no |
HPLGBT | Ukraine | www.HPLGBT.org | |
Drug Policy Network South East Europe | DPNSEE | Serbia | www.dpnsee.org |
Global Initiative on Substance Abuse | GISA | Nigeria | www.gisainitiative.org |
Society of Cannabis Clinicians | SCC | USA | https://www.cannabisclinicians.org/ |
Walther Center in Global Palliative Care & Supportive Oncology | USA | https://walthercenter.iu.edu | |
African Youth Initiative on Crime Prevention | AYICRIP | Nigeria | https://www.ayicrip.org |
European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies | ENCOD | Belgium | www.encod.org |
Rwanda Youth Impact | RYI | Rwanda | |
National Needle Exchange Forum | NNEF | United Kingdom | https://nnef.org.uk/ |
Druzenie Jesilaj Na Rsm (Green Crescent Macedonia) | North Macedonia | ||
Green Crescent Zimbabwe | GCZ | Zimbabwe | http://greencrescentzim.org/ |
Conectados Pela Vida - Brazil | CPV | Brazil | |
Zelenyy Pivmisyats Ukrayiny (Green Crescent Ukraine) | ZPU | Ukraine | |
Mali Green Crescent | CVM | Mali | |
Somali Green Crescent Society | Somalia | www.bishacagaaran.org | |
Option2world Initiative Against Drug Abuse | Option2world Initiative | Nigeria | Option2worldInitiative.com |
Security bureau | Security bureau | Serbia | http://www.facebook.com/Bezbednosni-biro-101414187940691/ |
Thai Green Crescent | Thailand | ||
Green Crescent Foundation (Maldives) | Maldives | We do not have a website yet. | |
Inter-Actions ONG | Democratic Republic of Congo | www.inter-actions-rdc.org | |
Jadir Taekwondo Association | AJTKD | Brazil | ajtkd.org |
CORPORACIÓN HUMANAS- Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género | Humanas | Colombia | www.humanas.org.co |
Youth Council for Anti Narcotics | YOCFAN | Pakistan | www.yocfan.org |
PENGASIH Malaysia | PENGASIH | Malaysia | pengasih.asia |
UNIDOS - Rede Nacional De Reducao de Danos | UNIDOS | Mozambique | www.redeunidos.co.mz |
Fourth Wave Foundation | India | www.fourthwavefoundation.org | |
Law Enforcement Action Partnership UK?Europe | LEAP | United Kingdom | www.ukleap.org |
Green Crescent Zambia | Zambia | https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Non-Governmental-Organization--NGO-/Green-Crescent-Zambia-108974260702195/ | |
Burundi Association of people who Use Drugs | BAPUD | Burundi | https://www.facebook.com/BAPUD-1830102590349277/ |
Japan Advocacy Network for Drug Policy | NYAN | Japan | https://nyan-jp.net/ |
Centro de Convivência É de Lei | Brazil | edelei.org | |
Australasian Palliative Link International | APLI | Australia | https://apli.net.au/ |
Public Association “Zhasylai” | GCK | Kazakhstan | we do not have a website or other social media account |
Suriye Yeşilay Derneği (Green Crescent Syria) | Syria | instagram: suriyeyesilaydernegi | |
Green Crescent the Gambia | GCG | Gambia | No Website yet |
Empower India | India | www.empowerindia.org https://www.facebook.com/EMPOWER-INDIA |
Badan Kerjasama Sosial Usaha Pembinaan Warga Tama | BERSAMA | Indonesia | www.bersamaindonesia.id |
Green Crescent Foundation (Sri Lanka) | Sri Lanka | We do not have a website yet | |
Foreningen Tryggere Ruspolitikk (Norway) | FTR | Norway | https://saferdrugpolicies.com/ |
Rights Reporter Foundation | Hungary | ||
Recovering Nepal - National Federation of People who use drugs and drug service organizations | RN | Nepal | www.recoveringnepal.org.np |
Mian Afzal Trust Hospital | MATH | Pakistan | www.math.org.pk |
Housing Works, Inc. | HW | USA | www.housingworks.org |
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization «SMART SOLUTIONS INTEGRATION AGENCY» | Russia | in development | |
SUBAIR KUNJU FOUNDATION | S K FOUNDATION | India | www.skfoundation.online |
Foundation for Rural and Urban Transformation Sierra Leone | FoRUT | Sierra Leone | www.forut.sl |
Hepatitis Australia | Australia | www.hepatitisaustralia.com | |
Aid Organization | AO | Bangladesh | www.aido-bd.org |
Menorah Foundation | MF | Ghana | facebook.com/menorahfoundation |
Bitmakaly National Organization | Amal2008 | Sudan | Bitmakaly.Org.Sd |
Narkotikapolitiskt Center (Drug Policy Centre in Sweden) | NPC | Sweden | www.narkotikapolitisktcenter.se |
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime | GI-TOC | Austria | https://globalinitiative.net/ |
Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network | APHN | Singapore | www.aphn.org |
Intrnational Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction | ICUDDR | USA | icuddr.org |
Child Space Organisation | Kenya | ||
Khatiz Organization for Rehabilitation | KOR | Afghanistan | https://kor-af.org/about-us/ |
Green Crescent of Montenegro | Montenegro | ||
WADAN AFGHANISTAN | WADAN AFGHANISTAN | Afghanistan | www.wadan.org |
Zoe Counselling and Training Centre Trust | ZCTCT | Zimbabwe | Facebook Zoe Trust |
Institute of Leadership and Development | INSLA | Ghana | www.insla.webs.com |
Green Crescent USA ınc. | GC USA | USA | https://www.greencrescentusa.org/ , Cygnus_nonprofit is Instagram, Cygnus, a non-profit is us on FB |
Rotary Action Group For Addiction Prevention | RAG AP | Belgium | www.rotary.org |
Društvo AREAL | Slovenia | https://www.facebook.com/arealtribe | |
Green Crescent Ethiopia | Ethiopia | https://www.facebook.com/greencrescentethio/ | |
Brukarföreningen Stockholm (The Stockholm Drug Users Union) | SDUU | Sweden | https://www.brukarforeningarna.se/stockholm/ |
Youth for Human Rights Pakistan | YHRP | Pakistan | www.facebook.com/yhrpak |
Fundación para el Análisis, Estudio y Prevención de Adicciones de la Comunidad Valenciana | AEPA | Spain | https://fundacionaepa.com/ |
Nusroto Al-Anashid Association | 0 | Lebanon | www.nusroto.org |
Plataforma Brasileira de Política de Drogas | PBPD | Brazil | https://pbpd.org.br/ |
Sortedlife Husika-Afrika Group | 0 | Kenya | www.sortedlifegroup.org |
Blue Cross Kisumu | 0 | Kenya | www.bluecrosskisumu.org |
Fondation Espoir et Vie | F.E.V | Democratic Republic of Congo | N/A |
PAY-W Clinic | PAY-W Clinic | India | https://suryaonco.wixsite.com/pay-w-clinic |
The National LEAD Institute | LEAD Institute | Bahamas | www.leadinstitute.org |
ReLeaf Malta | Malta | https://www.facebook.com/reLeafMalta | |
The Organization for Poverty Alleviaiton & Development | OPAD | Sweden | www.opad.eu |
Rawsam Human Development Center | RHDC | Iraq | www.rawsam.org |
Coalizão Comunitária Antidrogas de Itanhaém | ACCAI | Brazil | |
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication | BNNRC | Bangladesh | https:www.bnnrc.net |
Association of Anti-Drug Abuse Coalitions of the Philippines Inc. | AADAC PHL | Philippines | https://www.facebook.com/aadacphlinc |
Drug Prevention Network of Canada | DPNC | Canada | dpnoc.org |
Local Education and Economic Development Organization | LEEDO | Bangladesh | www.leedobd.org |
Triumphant Youth Foundation | TYF | Nigeria | www.triumphantyouth.org |
Hope Case Foundation | HCF | Uganda | www.facebookcom/Hope _ Case _ Foundation D |
Harm Reduction Nurses Association/L’association des infirmiers et infirmières en réduction des méfaits | HRNA/AIIRM | Canada | https://www.hrna-aiirm.ca/ |
Corporación Viso Mutop | Viso Mutop | Colombia | www.visomutop.org |
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights/ Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka | HFHR | Poland | hfhr.pl ; facebook.com/hfhrpl |
Public organization "Youth House" | Tajikistan | https://www.facebook.com/youthhouse.tjk | |
Everest Green Crescent Nepal | Nepal | https://www.facebook.com/EGCNepal/ | |
International Drug Law Reform and Advocacy Center | IDLARC | USA | idlarc.org |
Associazione La Società della Ragione | SdR | Italy | https://www.societadellaragione.it |
Soberlife Mentorship Society | SLIMS | Kenya | soberlifeinternational.org |
Aboriginal Drug & Alcohol Council SA | ADAC | Australia | www.adac.org.au |
The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers | SARDA | Hong Kong, S.A.R China | www.sarda.org.hk |
Prevention Alliance of Tennessee | PAT | USA | tncoalitions.org |
International Academy on the Science and Impact of Cannabis | IASIC | USA | https://iasic1.org/ |
Preventio | Preventio | Norway | www.preventio.no |
Legal Analysis and Research Public Union | LARPU | Azerbaijan | laied.az |
Doctors for Cannabis Regulation | DFCR | USA | https://www.dfcr.org/ |
ARES DO PINHAL | ADP | Portugal | www.aresdopinhal.pt |
The Glen | Australia | www.theglencentre.org.au | |
The Changemakers Foundation | TCMF | United Republic of Tanzania | https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1vgxx6jpvlob6&utm_content=kvmhp0b |
Bring Light save life | BLSLA | Cameroon | https://www.facebook.com/bringlightsavelife |
Angaza missions Mosocho CBo | AMM | Kenya | www.angazamission.co.ke |
Lithuanian Tobacco and Alcohol Control Coalition | NTAKK | Lithuania | www.ntakk.lt |
Treatment Communities of America | TCA | USA | www.treatmentcommunitiesofamerica.org |
Skoun, Lebanese Addictions Center | N/A | Lebanon | http://www.skoun.org/ |
Action pour la protection des droits de l’Enfant | APDE | Tchad | www.apdetchad.org |
Civil Development Organization | CDO | Iraq | www.cdo-iraq.org |
Blue Cross Society of Tanzania | BCST | Tanzania | www.bluecrosstanzania.or.tz |
Menorah Trustees Community Service | MTCS | Ethiopia | www.menorahtrustees.org |
HUG COMMUNITY SERVICES LIMITED | HUG | Singapore | https://www.hug.org.sg/ |
Fundación para la promoción de la salud humana | ProSalud | Argentina | www.fundacionprosalud.orga |
MON-YHUE EDUCATION FOUNDATION | MEF | Liberia | monyhueef.org |
DECISIVE MINDS | DM | Zambia | Social media: X - @DecisiveZambia FaceBook - @DecisiveZambia |
Associação para Integridade de Crianças e Jovens em Angola | AICJA | Angola | https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550680656726 |
The Reformed Drug and Substance Abuse Initiative | REDSAI | Nigeria | www.redsai.org.ng |
Kathak Academy | KA | Bangladesh | www.kabbd.org |
International Arab Social Betterment Association | IASBA | USA | https://iasba.org |
International Alliance of Cannabinoid Medicines Patient Council | iacm patient council | Germany | iacmpatientcouncil.org |
Dağıstan Yeşilay (The Dagestan Green Crescent) | Russia | Instagram: @zeleniy_polumesyats | |
Advocates for Citizens' Rights | AFCR | USA | Citizens-Rights.org |
Southeast Asia Harm Reduction Association | AHRA | Thailand | harmreductionsea.org |
İbn Sina foundation for improvement and sustainable Development | İbn Sina foundation | Iraq | www.alraffedin.org |
Guardians of Human Rights Foundation | GOHR | USA | www.gohumanrights.com |
TruPurge | TruPurge | USA | https://trupurgeinc.org/ |
Recovery WORX Foundation | USA | Recovery123.info | |
HEALTH & ECONOMY | Bangladesh | https://healthneconomy.org | |
Concerned Businessmen's Association of Tampa Bay | CBATB | USA | https://cbatampabay.org/ |
Asociación Patim | Patim | Spain | www.patim.org |
Croissant Vert Comorien | CVcom | Comoros | Croissant vert comorien |
The J Healthcare Initiative | JHI | Canada | j-initiative.org |
Support Through Mentoring, Advisory, Research and Training | SMART | Pakistan | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556552895093 |
National Coalition for Drug Legalization | NCDL | USA | www.nationalcoalitionfordruglegalization.org |
NGO «ASSOCIATION of EXPERT in PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP | AEPH | Ukraine | https://www.facebook.com/groups/Association.experts/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT |
Teen Intervention Program | TIP | USA | Teen Intervention Program www.tipcompton.org |
Gənclərin Anti-Narkomaniya | GANİB | Azerbaijan | https://www.facebook.com/antinarkomaniyagib |
Payamavaran Hamyari | Chatra | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | www.chatrango.com |
Coalition of Louisiana Addiction Service & Prevention Providers | CLASPP | USA | www.claspp.org |
Phoenix Foundation for Research & Development | PFRD | Pakistan | www.pfrdorg.com |
Collective Arts Development Association(CADA) | CADA | Cameroon | https://www.cadazerodrugs.org |
Integrity HOuse | USA | www.integrityhouse.org | |
Tanzania Youth Espouse for Gender and Development | TYEGD | Tanzania | https://tyegd.org/ |
ASSOCIAÇÃO DE APOIO A PESQUISA E PACIENTES DE CANNABIS MEDICINAL - ACURA | ACURA | Brazil | https://www.instagram.com/acurabrasil/ |
Organisation pour la promotion agro-pastorale et le développement au Congo | OPADEC | Democratic Republic of Congo | CONGO Nation sans drogues |
Centre for Peace Advancement and Socio-Economic Development | CPAED | Nigeria | www.cpaedng.org |
Network for Youth Advocacy Kenya | NYA Kenya | Kenya | https://ke.linkedin.com/company/nyakenya |
Cranstoun | N/A | United Kingdom | www.cranstoun.org |
Colibri Sud | CS | Burkina Faso | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076680199507 |
Anjuman Falah e Noujwana | AFN | Pakistan | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091503970842 |
Fidel Birhan Charitable Organization | FBCO | Ethiopia | https://www.fidlbirha.org/ |
Spolecnost Podane ruce | SPR | Czech Republic | www,podaneruce.cz |
The Warrior Down LERO CIC | WDL | United Kingdom | www.warriordown.co.uk |
young men's christian association of macau | YMCA of Macau | Macau SAR, China | https://www.ymca.org.mo/ |
Riser Foundation | RF | Pakistan | https://www.facebook.com/riser.pakistan?mibextid=ZbWKwL |
Alkhidmat Rehab and Psychiatric Centre | ARPC | Pakistan | https://www.facebook.com/alkhidmatdrc/ |
LA VIE MOT GLOBAL MISSION aka LIVING WORD MISSION | LIWOM | Nigeria | www.livingwordmission.org.ng |
World Hepatitis Alliance | WHA | Switzerland | www.worldhepatitisalliance.org |
AIM Education and Research Society | AIMERS | India | www.aimers.co.in |