Action to follow-up on the Beyond 2008 Forum
The Declaration and Resolutions adopted by consensus in Vienna at the NGO Forum were sent to all NGOs who were invited to participate in the “Beyond 2008” process. A collection of the reports on the steps they have taken to publicise and promote the documents is in preparation and will be regularly updated.
The Declaration and Resolutions were sent to the Chair of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the President of INCB and the Executive Director of UNODC.
A presentation was made to the Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Drug Demand Reduction. Additionally, a series of meetings were arranged with heads of national delagations to discuss the Declaration and Resolutions and ways in which these could be used to contribute to the preparations for the 2009 CND and be presented at the High Level Segment of CND.
The Report from the Expert Working Group on Drug Demand Reduction makes specific reference to the outcomes of the Vienna Forum and many of the statements and the conclusions mirror the recommendations made at the Forum. The Report from the Expert Group can be downloaded here.
On 13 November, Michel Perron and David Turner, Chairs respectively of the Steering and Programme Committees for Beyond 2008 had meetings with the Chair of the 52nd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the President of the International Narcotics Control Board and the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
We have also received the the WHO Access and Control News #3 for November 2008. This newsletter gives information on WHO’s work with regard to the drug control conventions and access to medicines controlled under these conventions. In this edition there is an article about the Beyond 2008 Forum and we invite you to visit the WHO controlled medicines web site.
The book “Making a Difference“, which was prepared to record the work of NGOs around the world in support of Beyond 2008 can be downloaded here.