67th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

CND 2024

The 67th CND will consist of a high-level segment (14-15 March 2024) and a regular segment (18-22 March 2024). The high-level segment will focus on the midterm review to assess progress made in the implementation of all international drug policy commitments.  

Informal Dialogues

We will be organizing several Informal Dialogues for civil society this year, one with the Executive Director of UNODC, one with the President of INCB, one with the Chair of CND,  one with representatives of WHO and one with representatives of other UN Agencies (UNAIDS & OHCR).

In preparation for the meetings and to ensure the best possible results for all participants, we ask you to send us specific questions you like to have addressed in the dialogues.

Organizations can submit one question per dialoguePlease note that due to the limited time available we might not be able to address all questions received during the dialogues.  Questions need to be submitted in English.

A summary of proceedings will be made available for all after the meetings.

Please submit your questions before Wednesday, 15 February 2024, 23:45 CET through the  online form.  


NGOs alongside Member States are invited to join the CND Chair’s PLEDGE4ACTION Initiative, which aims to mobilize concrete, impactful actions along the key challenges outlined in the 2019 Ministerial Declaration including the cross-cutting challenge on data collection.

The C ND’s PLEDGE 4 ACTION initiative invites all Member States to make voluntary pledges to undertake specific actions or activities to accelerate the implementation of joint commitments, and to report on their progress and achievements. 

The initiative is open not only to Member States, but also to civil society organizations. NGO pledges will be coordinated through the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC) in collaboration with the New York NGO Committee on Drugs (NYNGOC).

If your organization is interested in making a pledge,  please fill out this online form by 15 February 2024. The form will ask you to provide some basic information about your organization, the thematic area of your pledge, and the specific action or activity you plan to undertake. The pledges can cover any of the thematic areas or cross-cutting issues addressed by the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, such as demand reduction, supply reduction, access to controlled medicines, human rights, civil society engagement etc.
