Both the UNGASS Outcome Document and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development call explicitly for multi-stakeholder collaborations, including with civil society. The Sustainable Development Goals prioritise vulnerable groups: those the drug policy community calls “affected populations.” The SDG slogan “leave no one behind,” requires UN member states to formulate and implement development policies that specifically include these vulnerable populations. Drug policies that leave no one behind require governments and communities to take a gender and age perspective and invite the following affected populations and their representative civil society organisations into dialogue:
- people who use drugs;
- families and communities affected by drug use, drug related violence, and incarceration;
- farmers and subsistence farmers who cultivate illicit crops;
- patients affected by lack of access to controlled medicines for dependence treatment, the relief of severe pain, and other conditions that require medicines containing controlled substances;
- military, police, and government personnel involved in the enforcement of drug policies
The aim of this project is to highlight the potential for civil society participation in the implementation of the operational recommendations listed in the UNGASS 2016 Outcome Document. It highlights key provisions concerning civil society, presenting them in a practical, action-oriented language that helps organisations to better understand their role and suggest strategies for implementation in cooperation with Member States and other relevant stakeholders.
The development of the project will be the led by members of the VNGOC and NYNGOC, and the reconvened CSTF.
Take a look at the draft of the concept paper. We welcome your input, please send your edits and suggestions to info@vngoc org.
CND Side Event: Civil Society and International Drug Policy in the Context of Agenda 2030, Friday, March 17, 2.20 – 3.10 p.m. , M3
VNGOC is organising a side event on the subject during the 60th CND. See the flyer of the side event..