Following the format used for the thematic discussions held within the CND since 2016, Member States developed a multi-year workplan in 2019 and will hold, every autumn, inter-active meetings aiming to address the challenges identified in the “stock taking”- part of the Ministerial Declaration. 

The second of these thematic interessionals took place October 19-21 2020, in Vienna, Austria. The meetings were held as a virtual meeting with limited in person participation and covered the following challenges:

  • 19.10.2020: Drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased; and the rate of transmission of HIV, the hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne diseases associated with drug use, including injecting drug use in some countries, remains high;
  • 20.10.2020: The adverse health consequences of and risks associated with new psychoactive substances have reached alarming levels;
  • 21.10.2020: The availability of internationally controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, including for the relief of pain and palliative care, remains low to non-existent in many parts of the world.

The VNGOC held an open call for speakers in September to select up to 5 NGOs for each thematic segment.

19 October – Treatment & Harm Reduction

Civil Society Speakers – Challenge A “treatment and health services”
Civil Society Speakers – Challenge B “high rate of transmission of HIV & hepatitis C”
Civil Society Forum on Drugs
Karim Khan Welfare Foundation
Drug Free America Foundation
Mozambican Network of People Who Use Drugs
É de Lei

20 October – New Psychoactive Substances

Civil Society Speakers
Dalgarno Institute
Accíon Técnica Social

21 October – Access to controlled medicines

Civil Society Speakers

Universidad de La Sabana
Palliative Care Association of Uganda
Hospice Care Professionals Association
Recovering Nepal

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