The Vienna and New York NGO Committees signed an MoU creating the CSTF
CSTF is specifically named in CND Resolution 61/10, cementing our role in the 2019 preparations
CSTF officially launched, following open calls to fill the vacant positions from 2016
CSTF speakers made coordinated statements at the UNODC World Drug Report launches in Vienna, New York City, Nairobi and Geneva
September, October, November
Three CND thematic “intersessional” meetings – with 40 civil society panellists and speakers nominated by CSTF following open calls. More information about the intersessionals can be found here.
October – November
CSTF opened its global consultation for civil society organisations, focused on the 2009 Political Declaration, the 2016 UNGASS, the 2019 Declaration, and the Sustainable Development Goals
Preliminary results of the CSTF global consultation were presented to member states at a lunchtime event during the “reconvened” CND session in Vienna.
CSTF Civil Society Hearings held in New York(co-hosted by Mexico) and Vienna(co-hosted by Switzerland) – bringing together member states, UN officials and civil society participants to present the final consultation report and highlight the role for NGOs in the coming decade.
CND Ministerial Segment takes place on 14th and 15th March 2019 in Vienna, with strong civil society participation. Ministerial Declaration is adopted (see above).
CSTF achievements and outcomes are captured inConference Room Paper Seven, which was submitted by Switzerland on behalf of CSTF
CSTF Co-Chair makes opening remarks, and CSTF also selects panellists and other speakers for the two “roundtable” discussions.
The Evaluation and Final Report of CSTF is published