The 55th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will be held at the Vienna International Centre from 12 – 16 March, 2011.
NGOs with consultative status with ECOSOC may attend the CND as observers. To register they should write to the Secretary of the Commission giving the name(s) of their representatives, together with their postal and e-mail addresses and their telephone and fax numbers. The registration request must be on the official paper of the organisaton and be signed by the President/Chairman of the organisation or by the Chief Administrative Officer. Up to 5 people can be registered excluding the President/Chairman and Chief Administrative Officer. You can e-mail the letter to the Secretariat at and a copy should be sent to the Civil Society Team at
The VNGOC has produced a Guide to CND for NGOs to provide information about the Commission, how it works and what contributions NGOs might make. We will be producing an agenda annotated for NGOs with information about the topics and events occurring during the week. Please let us know if you will be attending the Commission by sending a message to so that we can send you the annotated agenda and up to date information as we receive it.
Look at the Press Release on the informal Civil Society Hearing. More to come…