In preparations for the ministerial segment of the 62nd session of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs  (CND), to be held in 2019, the Commission will host a number of thematic discussions in autumn.

For each thematic segment 4-5 NGOs will have the possibility to present their work and positioning. In order to ensure an inclusive, comprehensive and meaningful civil society participation NGOs will work through the Civil Society Task Force (CSTF) to coordinate contributions.

The following civil society representatives were selected to speak at the September intersessionals.

  • 25 September 2018
    Demand reduction and related measures, including

    • Reducing drug abuse and dependence through a comprehensive approach;
    • Prevention of drug abuse;
    • Treatment of drug use disorders, rehabilitation, recovery and social reintegration; prevention, treatment and care of HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and other blood-borne infectious diseases;
    • Eliminating or reducing significantly and measurably the illicit demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and drug-related health and social risks

Civil Society Speakers:
Panelist: Olga Szubert (Harm Reduction International, United Kingdom)
Presentation, Statement
Antonio Jesús Molina Fernández (Dianova International, Spain)
Video Message
Bikas Gurung (Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD), Thailand)
Video Message
Boi-Jeneh Jalloh (Foundation for Rural and Urban Transformation (FORUT), Sierra Leone)
Presentation, Statement
Oxana Ibragimova (ALE “Kazakhs Union of People Living with HIV”, Kazakhstan)
Video Message 




  • 28 September 2018
    Preparations for the ministerial segment to be held during the 62nd session of the CND:

    • the road ahead: towards a one-track approach11 in implementing beyond 2019 the commitments made by the international community to address and counter the world drug problem12, and in strengthening and streamlining its existing data collection systems;
    • outstanding issues and organizational arrangements;

