Dates: 12-16 April 2021
64th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Guide to the 64th CND
To support NGO and CSO participation in and engagement with the Commission, the VNGOC has prepared a detailed Guide with information about the Commission and how it operates; information about NGO participation in the Commission and suggestions on how they can engage most effectively with its work (even if they cannot be present in Vienna); practical information; useful links and contacts.
This years guide also highlights changes and new procedures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will update the guide regularly to include the latest information.
Informal Dialogues
As in previous years VNGOC is arranging Informal Dialogues with the Executive Director of UNODC, the President of INCB, the Chair of CND, and representatives of WHO in the margins of the 64th CND.
VNGOC Events during the 64th CND
These are the main events with VNGOC involvement, and we hope that many of you will join us for these meetings. We will of course keep you updated if there are any changes. Please consider following us on Twitter and Facebook to learn the latest news during the CND:
There are no upcoming events at this time
Side events at the 64th CND
In light of the COVID-19 situation, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs has decided (in a silence procedure with deadline 22 January) that side events will be held virtually only.
Organisers, that applied before the deadline on 22 January 2021, will receive a draft side event programme at the end of February.
All organizers are kindly asked to independently make all organizational and technical arrangements for their online events on a platform of their choice and to provide to the Secretariat latest by 5 March 2021:
- the link to the event
- as well as a contact point that can be published for any questions related to the event
Deadline for co-sponsorship and technical arrangements: 5 March 2021
Detailed information on how to apply can be found here.