Draft resolutions are submitted by Member States of the Commission. Although Member States are asked to submit them in advance, this is rare and they are usually only available just before the CND meets or during the first day of the Commission. We list here the resolutions which have been submitted.
E/CN.7/2011/L.2 Promoting international cooperation to stop drugged driving
E/CN.7/2011/L.6 Strengthening participation by civil society in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and public drug policies
E/CN.7/2011/L.7 Promoting person-centred and rehabilitation and reintegration oriented strategies in response to drug use disorders and their consequences
E/CN.7/2011/L.10 Measures to support African States in their effort to combat the world drug problem
E/CN.7/2011/L.11 Paris Pact Initiative
E/CN.7/2011/L.12 Revitalización del Principio de Responsibilidad Cimún y Compartida en la lucha contra el Problema Mundial de las Drogas
Promover la cooperación internacional a favor de los Estados más afectados por el tránsito de drogas (E/CN.7/2011/L.13)
E/CN.7/2011/L.14 Support for the development and implemenation of an integrated approach to programme development at the UNODC
E/CN.7/2011/L.15 Achieving Zero New infections of HIV amongst Injecting Drug Users and other at risk polulations