The VNGOC will hold an Extraordinary General Assembly on September 27 2017. Read on for all details on the agenda and the procedures.
27 September 2017, 17:00
Board Room C2 (7th floor of the C Building), VIC
One of the main agenda items for the Extraordinary General Assembly is the revision of the Statutes and Rules of Procedure. Take a look at the complete Draft Agenda.
VNGOC members in good standing are invited to discuss and vote on the adoption of the new governance documents. To facilitate the discussion and explain the reasoning behind some of the proposed changes the Board of the VNGOC sent the following letter to the members.
Please take note of the following information for the Extraordinary General Assembly
- Voting will be conducted on the agenda items 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. (The revision of the Statutes and Rules of Procedure).
All member organisations in good standing are permitted to cast their vote. Members in good standing are those that have paid their membership fees or sent in their commitment forms for 2017. Members in good standing who cannot attend the meeting either in person or online can assign proxy votes. - Proxy Voting:
If you want to assign your vote to a proxy, send an email to no later than September 26 2017, 12 a.m (midnight) CEST with a clear directive and the following information:
– Name of your organisation
– Name of the organisation allowed to cast your vote
Both organisations have to be in good standing. - Online Participation:
It will be possible to participate online and we will again be using the UN online conference system. If you want to attend online please send a short email to containing your name and your organisations name. We will share the sign-up link for the conference system a couple of days before the meeting.