The Annual General Assembly is scheduled for
Thursday, 16 March 2023 at 4 p.m. CET
at the Vienna International Centre, (Room M-3, M-building 1st floor) and online via Zoom
You can register for the Zoom meeting here:
Relevant documents:
- Draft agenda
- Annual Report
- Board proposal on updating the VNGOC membership fees
- Draft minutes of the 2022 AGM
- Information on the candidates for the VNGOC board elections 2023
- How to vote in the board elections
Please take note of the following additional information for the Annual General Assembly:
- Membership Fees: Please check if your organisation has already paid the 2023 membership fees and if not please do so as soon as possible but no later than Wednesday, 15th March 2022.
- Decisions will be made on the agenda items 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13 (Annual Report, Budget, Appointment of an Auditor, Board proposal on restructuring the membership fees, Board Elections, and Appointment of a Nominations Committee).
All members in good standing are permitted to cast their vote. Members in good standing are those that have paid their membership fees or send in their commitments forms for 2022 & 2023. - The Board Elections are agenda item 12. All information on the candidates and the voting procedure can be found on the website.
All member organisations in good standing are permitted to cast their vote. Members in good standing who cannot attend the meeting either in person or online can vote in advance or assign proxy votes. - Voting in Person: Each organization must select one representative to vote for their organization by emailing the name of the voting representative to up to 24 hours in advance of the meeting, specifically by 15th March 2023 at 4 pm CET. Ballots will be handed out by the Nominations Committee to the representatives starting 30 minutes before the meeting in Room M-3.
- Voting in Advance: Members interested in voting electronically in advance should send an email expressing their interest and specifying the email address that should receive the voter key for their organization to no later than Tuesday, 14 March 2023 at 11:59 PM CET. Instructions and an individualized voter key will be sent to the email address specified.
- Proxy Voting: If you want to assign your vote to a proxy, complete the official form no later than Wednesday, 15th March 2022 at 11:59 PM CET.
Both organisations have to be in good standing.