Evidence-based prevention in family settings: a webinar for civil society
Vienna, 18th November 2021 – Together with the UNODC Civil Society Unit (UNODC CSU) and the UNDOC Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (UNODC PTRS) we hosted a webinar for civil society, presenting “Listen First”, “Stronger Families” & “Families UNited”, UNODC’s main family skills programs. It was held in English on Zoom with interpretation in French, Russian and Spanish.
In case you missed it we recorded the webinar in all four languages and you can find the presentations below.
The event featured a presentation of the “Listen First” materials by Elizabeth Mattfeld (UNODC PTRS) who also introduced the newest set of materials. Science of Skills, feature four animated characters with ‘super skills’, which are linked to social and emotional learning. In five short videos, what the children will see is that the characters solve problems, help others and develop their own skills (such as decision-making, stress management, communication, etc.). Her colleague Wadih Maalouf (UNODC PTRS) explained “Stronger Families” and “Families UNited” and showed how the light-weight “Stronger Families” program can be successfully implemented also in humanitarian settings.
The two civil society experts Amir Shaju (Dhaka Ahsania Mission Bangladesh) and Dr. Carmen Fernandéz (Centro Intégraction Juvenil Mexico) showed how the programs can be effectively used by civil society organisations, adapting them to different regional situations and needs.
Presentations & Materials:
- “Listen First”, UNODC Prevention, UNODC Treatment & Rehabilitation Section, Elizabeth Mattfeld
- Listen First materials including the Science of Skills
- “Stronger Families” & “Families UNited”, UNODC Treatment & Rehabilitation Section, Waadih Maalouf
- UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention